Great Weekend!

I am back in Liverpool now! ^^
I had a great time in Oldham! Babysitting was alrite! Great weather as well! My friend and I did some shopping and got some good bargains as well!

Lontong sayur went well, even if I made a bit of mistakes! No photos of it, though... We were to excited to try it, that we did not even think about taking any picture of it. Hehehe...
Oh well, I was sad when I had to go home. *hiks...* Four days went so fast!! I could not believe it! I will miss you, Rin! I will visit you again as soon as I come back from Denpasar ya! :) I enjoyed my time with your family! You have been very kind to me! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for listening to my as well. Thanks for being a friend! *hugs*
Oh well... several more days and I will be graduated and ready to go home! ^^ Can't wait really! Hopefully, yayang fulfills his promise of coming to Denpasar on our second anniversary! That would be very nice and sweet! *blush*
I am thinking to disable the shoutbox while I am on the holiday... but we'll see then! Okay... that's all folks!



  1. sebenernya nurut loe tuh fungsi shoutbox buat apaan sich sher ?

  2. Welcome back Sis! wah, asyik ya liburannya neh:) well, siap-siap tuk diwisuda dunk:)
    udah packing tuk pulang'kan? dah siap oleh2 buat yayang:) pasti deh, i think he will keep his promise:) tenang ya sist, kangenmu pasti terlampiaskan hehehe...

    GBU ya Sist:)

  3. udah second anniversary, tinggal nunggu undangannya nih :D

  4. Ceritanya dah siap mudik nih Sher?
    Wah enak banget ntar ketemu yayangnya. :)
    Anyway, congrats for your graduation again, and have a safe trip ya Sher.
    God bless!

  5. wah, asik nih yang mo ketemu ama yayangnya, semoga jadi ya ketemuan di bali...

  6. waaahhh mo ke bali anniversaryannya?? aseekkk...

  7. hmm... mo ke denpasar ya? mampir ke banyuwangi atuh, sher.. :D

  8. Jadi mau sempetin ke Bali juga nih...watauuu lagi summer ginih pasti nanti jadi tan yah kalau balik. Met liburan deh.

  9. si bobby ama rachel pasti kangen ama sherly .....
    aduhh jadi pengen makan lontong sayur nich ....
    good day yach sher ...hi to princess vi

  10. ah ada lontong sayur lagi. kan aku jd pingin! hehe

    maksih ucapan selamatnya ya sher.

  11. Welcome back to regular days, your entry reminded me already that I should begin arranging my home leave, and start thinking of enjoying all the home-cooked meals and the Jajanans..

    Warm regards from the coast of West Africa!


  12. waaaaaahhh...second anniversary bakal mesra nih...soalnya gak online anniversary lagi...tapi udah kopdar anniversary...hehehe...

    ^^ wish you a wonderful time together ^^

  13. senangnya yang abis babysitting... tetap semangat sister... Tuhan memberkatimu... :)

  14. wew bentar lg lulus ya say? duhh senengnyaa...
    huhuhu bentar lg pulang bs ktm yayank nih? pasti dah g sabar hehehe...

  15. Welcome back sist.
    Wah, bentar lagi mo pulkam dong. Udah packing belom? :D

  16. hmmm..
    berarti udah 2 taon yah sher? *angguk-angguk*
    teros mau temuan di Bali yah sher?
    *angguk-angguk lagi*

    kita doain awet deh bu.. ^_^

    abe poetra


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