
Showing posts from August, 2005

Two Special Days


After Wedding

Hallo semua *grin* Daku sudah kembali lagi! Eh eh... ternyata ngurusin orang nikah itu repot ya?! Duh duh... kakiku sampe pegel banget seharian pake high heels!!! Tapi aku bersyukur banget hari Minggu, 21 Agustus kemarin semuanya berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan rencana yang ada. Cuma sayang, dalam susunan acara, koq ga ada acara pijat kaki yah pada akhir dari semua acara?! Hehehehehe.... Ada beberapa foto sih, tapi sementara lagi males banget upload. Internet di sini ini engga cocok untuk upload-upload foto deh. Okay lah gitu dulu deh. Sudah capek banget sekarang.... Waktuku di sini tinggal sebulan lagi... sebelum aku kembali menempuh studi. Maka dari itu ingin kupergunakan sebaik-baiknya bersama keluargaku. Tanggal 21 September nanti aku rencana berangkat ke Manchester, UK, dengan membawa tiket one-way... Rencananya aku tidak akan kembali pulang sampai aku menyelesaikan studi Masterku kali ini. I am struggling, but I know I can try to do it! Take care and God bless!

Away to Surabaya...

Duh duh... makasih banyak ya buat yang sudah setia ngunjungin ke sini. Daku mau pamit nih, ntar sore aku bakal berangkat ke Surabaya. Hari Minggu, Oomku bakal married, jadi kita sekeluarga berbondong-bondong ke sono. Hari Senin depan baru balik. Kalau pada nanya, kapan aku balik ke UK... Rencananya sih tanggal 21 September ntar baru balik, sampai tanggal 22 September. Okay lah pendek aja yah! God bless everyone! Take care!

A Special Visit

Today, I am very sad... My bestest friend, Yulia has left Denpasar to Jakarta, back to her University life. I was very grateful, happy and excited when she said on the phone that she is in terminal Ubung, arriving in any minutes to my house. My long-time-no-see friend and sister stayed with me for four nights. I enjoyed having her around me; talking about the old times we spent together, the funny things we did, the places we went together... I loved each moment I was with her. We've been friends for more than 6 years now and we have a special bond between us. This time, the bond strengthens as does our friendship. This morning, she took the 10.50 flight from Ngurah Rai Airport to Soekarno-Hatta Airport. I was smiling as I waved good-bye to her, but I started to cry quietly in the car on my way back... I started to miss her again from the first minute she left. Time went too fast this time... I still want to share some more days with her, but the situation forbids. I still have so...