A Special Visit

Today, I am very sad... My bestest friend, Yulia has left Denpasar to Jakarta, back to her University life. I was very grateful, happy and excited when she said on the phone that she is in terminal Ubung, arriving in any minutes to my house. My long-time-no-see friend and sister stayed with me for four nights. I enjoyed having her around me; talking about the old times we spent together, the funny things we did, the places we went together... I loved each moment I was with her.
We've been friends for more than 6 years now and we have a special bond between us. This time, the bond strengthens as does our friendship. This morning, she took the 10.50 flight from Ngurah Rai Airport to Soekarno-Hatta Airport. I was smiling as I waved good-bye to her, but I started to cry quietly in the car on my way back... I started to miss her again from the first minute she left. Time went too fast this time... I still want to share some more days with her, but the situation forbids. I still have some things to do, she has to go back because the University starts on Thursday.

Oh well... The time I last saw her today, I asked myself with a question: 'when will I see her again?' Hopefully, soon! *But only God knows!*

My dear friend, Yulie!

Thanks for making an effort to see me here, in Denpasar, in between of your two-weeks holiday; for the tiredness you bore in the bus from Solo to Denpasar, for telling your friend to wait for you in Jakarta while you were here with me. Thanks for the love you have for me and for the friendship and for the sisterhood between us.
I can never stop thanking our Father in Heaven for your presence in my life; for who you are and what you've done. I love you, sist!

Ps. Thanks for the support, for the craziness, for the 'kesetiakawanan' in our eating times and for our chat every single night! :p

Many loves always only for you, sist!



  1. It's always great to have best friend. :)
    Gosh, I miss mine.

  2. Emang enak ya Sher kalo punya sahabat yg benar² dekat dg kita, as a sister. I have one too, and i hope it can last forever.

    Enjoy your holiday sist.. btw, kapan balik ke UK nih..?

  3. waduhhh jgns edih gt sunk say...
    kan msh bs ktm lg :)

    knp km g ikut ke jkt juga? hehehe

  4. tapi berpisah ini bukan untuk selamanya kan? temennya ajak ngeblog aja, sherl.. hehehe...

    kangen nih ama sherly..!! JLU, sista!!!! met monday... =)

  5. Hi there.. apa kabar.. :)

  6. Hi there.. apa kabar.. :)

  7. sherly pa' kabar nih? kangen lho lama nggak pernah mampir lagi jgn-jgn dah lupa nih, gimana dgn liburannya?

  8. sering2 punya temen baik tinggalnya pada jauh2 ya...emang sedih sih. lama banget di indo ya?

  9. A really interesting blog.- Zippy FLH.com

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  13. waah..ternyata walopun di indo masih sempet buat postingan yaa..

    setuju ama usul-nya clodi sher...si yuli diajak nge-blog aja...biar kangen-nya bisa terobati...^^

    gimana dgn oen"...jadi datang gak? Semogaaa deh ^^ Biar bisa melepas kangen....hehheehe...^^


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