
It's time to finish off our story about Hamburg. In the second week, there were not much going on, some of the lectures did not fit the field that we do, so sometimes, we sneaked out to enjoy Hamburg's city center a little bit more before we left. We bought some souvenirs for our family and friends, took more photos of us for memories in years to come... God, I still could not believe we went to Hamburg and not have to pay for it :)

So... our Hamburg trip came to an end on Saturday, 16 August 2008. 5.30 a.m. we were looking for a taxi, in front of our accommodation. The night before we were quite sure to get a taxi, because there is a taxi rank opposite where we lived, but in the morning, it was empty! I prayed and prayed in my heart, 'send us a taxi, Lord!' Well, we cannot really order a taxi by phone (I will say 'no way!' to the international roaming hahaha) Finally, we got a taxi, it was a Mercedes Benz! FYI, in Germany, the taxis are usually Volkswagen, BMW or Mercedes Benz! Cuman, ya itu... meteran taxinya cepet banget naiknya! Bikin sport jantung!!!

Arriving at Hamburg airport, we checked in and took some photographs and proceeded to the gate to wait for our flight. However, there is this one incident that was quite nerve-racking for us... I was called by the security, 15 minutes before the boarding. Lan was already scared and panicked, while I was taken by the police because of my luggage!
Luckily, I packed all the luggage by myself AND it was put under my name during the checking-in (otherwise, if it was put under Lan's name, he would not have a clue!). It turned out to be that they could not see what is inside the suitcase when they scanned it! One compliment that I got from the police is "you packed your suitcase so good and dense, that we cannot even look through it!" Hahahaha....

So, we flew back to Manchester, safe and sound... but somehow, the landing was not good. I got sick for a week afterwards huhuhu...


  1. got sick? nah lo! sana beli testpack...
    sherly kalau suami native mandarin, gampang atuh belajarnya. aku aja sering nonton film taiwan ngerti dikit2...asal jgn yg njelimet2.

  2. lagi online ya?hehe..
    dulu ketahuan hamil anak ke 2 gara2 masuk angin dan meriang. pas di cek2 ternyata hamil. hayoooo...

  3. buset dah tu polisi bandara bikin deg2an banget yah, haha... . Masa 15 menit sebelum boarding dipanggil kaya gitu seh, gilaaa, hahaha...

  4. baidewei, maskapai penerbangannya apa sih?? :)

  5. Oh, ternyata pesawatnya Bombardier CRJ yah, hahaha... . Buatan Kanada tu kalo gak salah, emang gak gede2 amat sih, hahaha... :)

    Tipe lebih khususnya kayanya CRJ-200LR deh, LOL

  6. whoaaa asiknya yg muter2 jerman!!

    hahaha, kocak yg bagian dari deg2an dipanggil ampe dipuji polisinya. rata2 orang indonesia pada jago ngepacking yah, padat lengkap judulnya heeheheh

    hope you have a great week, sherr!

  7. Hahaha bikin deg2an aja tu polisi :))
    mana udah mau boarding pulak. Disangka teroris apa ya, huehehehe. Laen kli bilang gini kali "Pak, plis deh!" :P

  8. aih , ternyata kamu jago ngepacking yah , aku mah udah menyerah deh say , yg ginian bagian suamiku ..hihihi ....

    kesian deh Lan , pas panik gitu yah , hihihi ( sorry , kesian kok malah ketawa )

  9. saluuuuut...dikau ternyata jago packing...aku mah klo udah judulnya pulang...pasti lebih kacau daripada waktu mo pergi...hehehehehe...

    btw udah sembuh blon say?

  10. wahahah ketat jg ya airport hamburg, si B jg kemaren kena periksa sher, tp gara² random..


  11. whooaaaaa hebring amat sampe gag tembus scan? bisa jadi penyelundup nihhh

  12. wah kamu ternyata orangnya rapi hhehee....salut.

    trus, kopernya dibuka ama orang bandara ?

  13. hahahaha....teroris dari London...tapi koq bawa banyak souvenirs. Scannya yang kurang bagus tuh, bukan soal packingnya....


  14. wah gimana caranya tuh packing sampe gak nembus scan?? hebat banget! pantesan judulnya Terrorist. haha...

  15. hahaha teroris packing kale yah? ;p

  16. hi darlink,
    gile yeeee.... jalan2 melolo :p
    sirik sirik sirik sirik

    eh eh eh, ntar kapan2 klo butuh tukang packing boleh yach dipergunakan jasanya bu *wakakakkaka* - kabur

  17. ah tu security, bikin orang panik aja. hehehe. met wiken ya sist :)

    btw, ikut ngeplurk ajah. hohoho~

  18. hua2.... ember paling panik kalo di bandara smp dipanggil security ato petugas ..
    senewen n jantungan deh ,soalnya g pernah ngalamin .
    sakit apa say ? apa krn cape or another reason ?? Met weekend !

  19. ko ndak mampir ke londo?

  20. gileee nie... deg2an banget yak dipanggil gitu... duh aku juga bakal deg2an deh kalo belon masuk ke pesawat..hahaha :)

  21. jalan-jalan melulu deh si nyonya satu ini. :-) bikin sirik :p

  22. Makanya bu, laen kali packingnya jangan sampe dense gitu yeee :D

    Gimana, udah baikan?

  23. wah asik banget, ke hamburg gratis, tapi koq sakit pas baliknya, cepet sembuh ya nie

  24. hahahahahaha..
    polisinya ngelawak tu sher..
    hayoh, di apdet ttg sakitnya, jgn2 beneran hamilio..

  25. Hahaha... baca titlenya penasaran juga, kirain sherly jadi korban teror(euugghh jangan sampe ding), ealaahh gak taunya.... tp lumayan juga tuh polisi bikin sport jantung yah :D

  26. hahaha...ajarin gw dong ngepak sampe segitu rapinya...hihihi , dian ibung (lg di warnet, jd ogah nulis id,,,)

  27. wah... hamburg (^_^) I'll go there someday... I hope... (--)


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