H3..H7 - Sommerkurs (Week 1)

As the new week begun, our summer school begun. The first class starts at 9.15am and the last class ends at 18.45 a.m. You can imagine how exhausted we become each weekday after the class. Still we had pretty interesting experience...
Mensa cafe: Our last meal there...Universität Hamburg: Beautiful architecture, Strong wireless connection through out the campus, and, one most important thing is the student canteen!!! They give special subsidised price for students, the menu changes everyday; they provide several different foods, including vegetarian menu, salads (€1 per bowl), and yummy desserts (85¢ each bowl). They had Salmon (big portion) for €4.00 and yummy beef steak for about the same price as well... I have to say the students here are really spoiled!
Lan and I really wish we have such a canteen in Liverpool. Mansa canteen (that's the name) is always crowded each day with students, lecturers and even some family with little kids! Two thumbs up for Universität Hamburg!

Inside RathausRathaus townhall: Monday afternoon, after the last class, we, the whole group of ESSLLI participants, walked to the townhall for a special reception. The Senate of Hamburg had invited us to the reception to welcome us. Remember that on the first day we went to the townhall? Well, this time is even better, we get to see the private halls that the normal tourists cannot enter. Inside, it is really beautiful and magnificent! The classic decorations painted golden yellow with hanging chandeliers made us feel royal. Simply astonishing!

Sick: Started with a little ulcer, which then grew so huge that I felt my face was swolen, I was feeling exhausted and ill on Monday. Lan dragged me home early that day, without going to all the lectures we supposed to go... Then Tuesday, I stayed in while Lan went to the lectures by himself. Sleeping almost for the whole day made me felt much better afterwards.

What beautiful experiences we are having! I thank God for this wonderful journey in Hamburg; we gain knowledge, we get some holiday as well, and yet, we are very close to not spending a penny nor a cent (except for our own souvenirs of course!) for this beautiful trip! Truly one rare chance in a life time! Praise God!


  1. WUah keren amat tuh kantin universitasnya!! hahaha... :) Makanan enak disubsidi gitu, ga heran deh tax disana mahal, LOL. Paling gak return-nya juga ok, hahaha... :)

    Andai di Indonesia jg ada yg kantin kaya gitu, hahaha....

  2. Mahasiswa sejahtera biar kampusnya gak di demo hehehehe....asal!

    Gimanapun bisa sekul di LN bener2 pengalaman yg amat sangat berharga.

  3. niee
    udah nyampe di hamburg yee crt nya ... met blajar yah ..
    jgn suka ngiler2 mulu di canteen sana yah , ntar maunya masup canteen mulu ... tapi canteen sana ga pny risoles n gado2 kae ai pny donk .. hua hua ....
    mau ? ntar aku kirimin yah .. tunggu aja ha222

  4. Iya bener kata Tiwi, bisa sekul di LN bener2 pengalaman yg berharga. Apalagi kalo semua biaya ada yg nanggung, hehehe

  5. wah harga di kantinnya lumayan murah ya. asyik, disubsidi. aku malah gak pernah masuk kantin di collegeku whehehhhehe

  6. Asik banget yahhh kantinnya, apalagi klo gratis tapi enak hehehe

  7. wah ini baru namanya blessing from above...enjoy ur time as much as u can yaaaa...all the best for ur study too...

  8. sip banget kantinnya. kenyang deh ya. btw, udah baikan belum sherly, cepet sembuh ya...

  9. Mensa memang oke. :-D
    Kalau udah ada Mensa, ya nggak butuh KFC ya...apalagi kan cuma sebentar.
    *padahal di Hamburg, ada 3 gerai KFC...tapi sayang kan, kalau makannya KFC doang, hihihi*

  10. *slurps!!*
    Kapan yak aku kulian di LN? :p adanya kuliah di IK (Internet Kantor) huekekeke...

  11. wah sip bgt ya Sher kantinnya , Salmon (big portion) for €4.00 , dah murah sehat lagi :))

  12. susie : mom4kids , gak nyadar gw ternyata masih login di blogspot :))

  13. wuaaah murah banget donk.. bisa makan berapa kali tuh :)

  14. Inget kantin jaman di Indo dunk Sher, banyak menunya dan murah meriah hihihihihii..

    Sukses terus ya jeng. GBU!!

  15. jadi mupeng. wkwkwk. met wiken ya sist :)

  16. murah dan bergizi...
    bahagianya jadi mahasiswa disana...

  17. murah dan bergizi disubsidi pulak.
    bahagianya jadi mahasiswa disana...

  18. Paling asik emang kalo kantin lengkap, tapi yg paling penting lagi ada subsidinya :D


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