I Noticed...
I noticed today... It's already happening; Thing that I fear the most... Thing that I don't want to see, feel or notice... But I knew it, I knew it... It's happening and I won't stop it. It is better that way... Because... whether I like it or not, it will still happen For I had let go, I had loosen my holds. One day, it will be understood... That this is for the better future, For the happiness. I hope it is not mistakenly perceived. Love is the base of my decision... Let this go with the flow, Even if it hurts and breaks me down, I know for sure, it won't be wasted. - to someone, whom dearly to me. Btw, mo kasih announcement , ternyata oh ternyata, adikku yang di Brighton decided to make a blog in FS, so here is the +link+ ! Hope you all like what he shares in his blog! Last but not least... Have a BLESSED weekend, everyone!! Semoga weekendnya mengasyikan! *cheers*