Lazy me...
Somehow, I've been having no inspiration to write anything here... I just wonder where has my writing hobby gone to?!
Maybe it is because lately I feel as if life is just a routine, go to office from 09.00 to 6.30, then home, have dinner, sometimes clean our flat and then sleep. I want a more interesting life than this! This is so just NOT me...
Maybe it is because I am not alone anymore? These days, if I have something in mind, I'd just talk to Lan, share things with him.
Maybe I am just lazy?! Ah... I don't know.
Whatever the reason is, let it be. Hopefully the desire to write will return soon...
Despite the boredom and depression facing hundreds lines of codes (programming) in office, I always look forward to the afternoon to come for us to go home. Lately, it has been the little kids, Lan and Sherly, at home hehehe... Tickles, teases, jokes.
Maybe it is because lately I feel as if life is just a routine, go to office from 09.00 to 6.30, then home, have dinner, sometimes clean our flat and then sleep. I want a more interesting life than this! This is so just NOT me...
Maybe it is because I am not alone anymore? These days, if I have something in mind, I'd just talk to Lan, share things with him.
Maybe I am just lazy?! Ah... I don't know.
Whatever the reason is, let it be. Hopefully the desire to write will return soon...
Despite the boredom and depression facing hundreds lines of codes (programming) in office, I always look forward to the afternoon to come for us to go home. Lately, it has been the little kids, Lan and Sherly, at home hehehe... Tickles, teases, jokes.
While you sleep so peacefully,
Sometimes I ask myself the questions of "why"...
And that many times, I can't answer myself.
It is just YOU.
The way YOU are.
The soul in YOU.
My life is full of beautiful surprises from you,
I believe.
My gratefulness is never ending,
I am blessed.
- nie @ 22 May 2008, 10.12 am
haha, aku jg pernah tuh gitu dulu. Sebulan cuma posting 3 kali doang, hehehe... :) Mungkin karena rutin bgt tuh jadi kan ga ada bahan untuk di posting, hehehe
ReplyDeleteSemoga cepat balik nih semangat bloggingnya... :)
Cuman masalah waktu kok Sher.
ReplyDeleteApa yg sedang kamu "perjuangkan"saat ini toh untuk ke depan juga ;)
Kalo mo tickles en teases, ama Lan aja dulu, ntar yg lain nyusul :p hihi
lagi cape aja kalii...take care
ReplyDeleteaduh...lagi stuck yach sist'
ReplyDeleteini lah...hidup, kadang diatas, kadang dibawah ... tapi santai aja, ntar juga balik lagi semangatnya... klo dah ga bosan :)
mungkin dirimu bener2 butuh istirahat yang sangat *ambil cuti yach*
nyampe rumah 6.30, msh sempat masak, gak sher ?
ReplyDeletegitu kali sher, klo udah ada misua udah ada yang nemenin curhat dah males lagi curhat via blog ditambah dengan aktivitas rutin yang ga luang lagi kaya dulu. Ditambah lagi malemnya kan ada aktivitas yg lebih 'penting' lagi huehehe...
ReplyDeletenikmati aja sher, memang lagi fase nya seperti itu :D
Padahal gw tunggu2 loh tulisan selanjutnya :) ..
ReplyDeleteOk deh gw sabar menanti tulisan2 selanjutnya kalau moodnya balik lagi :)
take care
hehehe, you're not the only one dear. :P
ReplyDeleteLazy itu manusiawi kok sist, asal jangan lama2 malesnya :D
ReplyDeleteAyo semangat lagi!
ada masanya ke' gitu, tapi smoga jangan lama2 biar nggak tenggelam ama kebosenan.
ReplyDeletenikmatin aja dulu waktu yg tersisa buat diri sendiri.
heheeheh ayo kemasi barang2mu dan pergi holiday! hehehe :)
ReplyDeletegpp koq sher..
ReplyDeleteenjoy2 waktu sama suami lbh penting..
apalagi kalian bdua kan kerja dan skolah jg, sampe rumah ya emg paling cocok ngobrol sampe ngantug..
Sepertinya semua orang sedang terkena syndrome (spell?) malas ngeblog.
ReplyDeleteSama sis, aku juga klo udah capek mlototin komputer di kantor, bawaannya pengen buru2 pulang... pengen buru2 play like lil kids... tickle... teases... with my one and only... d.o.g (Bella)
Tell Lan I said hi!!!
butuh refreshing kali jeng, jgn kek gw mandekkkkk ahahahahh..
ReplyDeletesama koq aku juga kdg2 bosen banget sama rutinitas melototin comp. tapi kenapa yah klo pelototin cowok ga bosen...oooops tapi situ ndak boleh yaks. tar Lan marah loh