
Showing posts from October, 2008

Yummy yum!

A fter sometime ago, my beloved friend, Since, 'showed off' her beautiful fried chicken on her blog specially for me (plus sending me an exclusive offline message to visit her blog), I would like to proudly present the fried chicken I cooked last night. After postponing for so long, because I could not find turmeric powder (bubuk kunyit) in the supermarket I usually shop, I finally found the powder sitting nicely on the shop shelf of an International food shop. Yay! Thank you Since for the easy breezy recipe, it was a blast! Lan loves it and I... *hmmm* feel like sitting at my home's dining room eating delicious fried chicken with warm rice and sweet soy sauce... Superb! We also had fried tofu (tahu goreng) and sambal matah. (The sambal matah was a bit of disaster, I forgot to put balacan on it hahaha!) Anyhow, we had a great dinner! Thanks again, Since! :) ( Jangan kapok ngomongin makanan sama aku ya hihi... ) As you see on the picture: (Click the photo to enlarge) I have...

Lagi sok sibuk!

T hank you to all of you for the condolences regarding Lan's grandmother. Things have gone better now, we are feeling much better now. I have been much calmer with the problem I was facing while posting the previous post... Well, lately, I have been hating the weather, which uncontrollably wet and windy (feeling like walking in the middle of hurricane all the time!). Each morning, I always struggle to get out of my comfy and warm bed, simply because the grey sky just ruin my mood! The sun is hiding somewhere far somehow... I have been occupied with my PhD work, done some implementation (programming) and now is time to do some comparison and observation on my BeTL (a.k.a the software I implemented, read it 'beetle' please...). It is some hard work, but I just have to strive forward, right? :) My hubbie has been busy compiling a plan for my birthday; he has been asking me what would I like for my birthday dinner and so on... Oh my Lord, I am going to be 24 soon! Time flies, r...

At this very moment...

A da banyak hal yang sedang terjadi beberapa hari ini. Aku lelah, aku sedih, aku marah, aku kecewa, aku menangis, aku tidak percaya... Namun semuanya memang nyata adanya. Maaf, tidak bisa berbagi tentang yang sedang berkecimpung di fikiranku, karena semuanya begitu pedih dan perih bagiku... Hanya doakan kami ya; aku, orang tuaku, saudara-saudaraku. Mintakan Tuhan kekuatan bagi kami. Saat ini, kami seperti keluarga yang berkabung dan kehilangan. Mintakan Tuhan supaya kami tetap satu melewati semua ini. Terima kasih, teman-temanku. Ps. Kemarin kami (Lan dan aku) mendapat berita duka, telah berpulang ke rumah Bapa, nenek tercinta Lan (Mama dari Papa mertuaku) dikarenakan gagal ginjal. Walau aku hanya bertemu satu kali, tanpa banyak kata, namun jauh di lubuk hatiku, aku menangis karena sirna sudah kesempatan untuk mengenalnya lebih dekat dan untuk dia mengenalku istri cucunya... My Lord, I will cry NO more! I will not let the evil laugh at my tears! 14.10.2008

Pengampunan Tuhan

Pengampunan Tuhan seperti dedaunan pohon di musim gugur yang jatuh ringan bagi kita, Ketegar-tengkukan kita membawa musim dingin penghajaran yang menumbuhkan... Sampai musim semi tiba dengan kuncup-kuncup daun pengampunan yang segar... Di mana kita lebih menghayati dan mensyukuri indah makna pengampunanNya. nie - 13.10.2008 on the way to office @ 11.30

About Me

G ot a homework from my beloved friend, Caroline and my big sister, the infamous Tuteh (yg ngarepin spy aku cepet ndut kayak dia *beuh deh sist :P*). Here we go... TEN HABITS AND FACTS ABOUT SHERLY: She loves and believes in JESUS CHRIST She is the wife of Mr. Zhang since 02 July 2007, and loves to make him smile. She is always grateful that God gives her such a great hubbie. She studies her BSc, MSc and *now* PhD all in University of Liverpool, UK. (some kind of scholarship hunter, here...) She loves SOP BUNTUT, SOP MERAH & AYAM BUMBU RUJAK bikinan her beloved Mami. She been away from family since she was 15 years old. She, may seems strong and mature outside, but is a CRYBABY. She makes crazy insane jokes, her hubbie thinks she is absolutely insane *hihi* She loves her friends, misses her crazy BFF, Yulia. She IS homesick right now, missing her family (parents and her 3 siblings) at home. She hopes to go home next year; saving money and praying to God that the flight tickets wi...

Dag Dig Dug

T his is the day of 'their' decision. Huff... I am so nervous for my interview at 13.10 (it's 10.11 a.m. now). The slides were just ready yesterday, because suddenly my supervisors asked me to change 'almost' the entire structure. Jesus, I cling to you. Be my answers to the questions they ask, Be the words in my mouth during the presentation. Be my strength, my hope and my everything... Just like all those times, help me through this battle. Huff... It's all DONE! All the extremely fast heartbeats, those difficult questions and my shaking hands. Thanks to my dear hubbie for his support and prayers, it means a lot to me! Thanks friends for the encouragement :) What now? Waiting for the result... Have a great weekend, friends! GBU!