Canadian visa

Just a little note today, so that I remember...
After a few weeks of expecting and waiting, today Lan's passport is back with the Canadian visa stamped on one of the pages! Thank you, Lord, for that!
It was a breeze application, no problems at all!

I am sure he's looking forward to go to Montreal... but, gosh, time flies! July is already at the tip! I can't wait... for our 2nd anniversary, for our coming holiday, and for our yet-to-come promising future!

Ps. I am not going to Canada with him, that's why I said it's only Lan's passport. Still, I am looking forward to it, because a week after he returns from Montreal, we are flying to Dubai, spend several nights there and then off to Bali for 3 weeks! Hehehe...


  1. wuaaaa.. mau jalan2 lagih?? huuhuuu.. T_T aku jelessss..

  2. wuaaahhh ikuuuttt hehehe :) congratz yak :)

  3. wah asiknya mau jalan2.... :)

  4. Lho, koq cuma "Lan's passport"?

    Asiknya mau ke Canada. Bener sih ya ke Canada mungkin enaknya memang pas summer jadi gak dingin2 amat, hehehe

  5. trus jadi mampir singapur kan, sher?

  6. maaaaak sedapnya....abis dari dubai ke bali. ikuuuutttt

    eh jeng, ngirim barang dr bali yg murah pake apa yak? temanku pengen sarong, tp bujug dah nanyak DHL, Rp 1,2 jt ongkirnya. mahalan ongkirnya drpd si sarong :D

  7. Oh Tricor ya. Aku lagi ngecek websitenya nih.

    Kemaren aku liat di web kantor pos, EMS cuma $ 49 up to 2 kg. Gak tau bener apa gak.


  8. wah asik bener... ikut dongggg hihihihi...
    btw, salam kenal ya, mampir balik ^^


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