Let me introduce you to Dr. Lan Zhang!!

After a nerve-racking day, I am super proud to announce that Lan is *unofficially* a Doctor now! He did his viva for 1 hour and 30 minutes (quite a short one, since the average length of time is 2 hours minimum!) and successfully answered all the questions and defended his thesis!

I was so nervous for him and my pride for him is beyond words! Praise Jesus for all the strength, wisdom and guidance! May His name be glorified! Thank you Jesus!


  1. congratulations to lan!!! hebaaattt!!!

  2. Congratulation also for Lan n Nie !

  3. keren ya, Dr loh gelarnya.. kalo gua kaya gitu nyokap gua bisa pingsan saking gembiranya kali ya :P
    congrats ya Dr. Lan! :D
    buat sher juga skarang udah jadi Mrs. Dr. :D

  4. wow selamat buat Lan.
    Jadi lanjut post doc ga Sher?
    Bakal mao balek ke China ya?

  5. CONGRATULATION for Lan..!! (",)

    Menyusul segera, Dr. Sherly.. (^,^)

    Miss u both.. GBU!

  6. Congratulations Lan...and blessed wife! i know behind his big success...there is faithful wife whos always pray for him...Congratas for both of you...


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