6 more days....

To Beijing, China.
Why do time fly so fast when we are having fun? I can't believe it already comes to the last week of our holiday at my home... One month is truly NOT enough! :(
Sunday afternoon will come so soon for us to leave Bali on the way to Beijing. I still am NOT excited. I really don't know what to expect... Maybe I'll just close my eyes and have faith that God knows what's ahead of us... Maybe.

Please pray that things go well for us starting a new chapter there, in Beijing.

Anyway, this evening, we went to Airport to send my beloved best friend and sister, Yulia, off to go back to Jakarta. She came since last Wednesday, for 5 days. Too bad I was sick, so we didn't get to go around Bali as planned. However, we had a great time at Tanjung Benoa; me taking photos and Lan and her playing jetskis, banana boats and parasailing. We also played UNO together, the four of us (Lan, Grace, she and I), and had way too much laughter!
I'm so glad she came. I really am blessed to have her as a best friend for the last 12 years (and for many more years to come, I believe). My lovely sister, thank you for coming to meet me. I love you and I miss you already! xoxo.

'Til the next post, God bless you all! :)


  1. yaa semoga smua lancar yah Nie , kepindahan ke Beijing n apa yg akan dikerjakan disana . sukses ya !!

  2. ah, Beijing kan lebih deket ke Indo daripada Liverpool, jadi kalo mau pulang lebih gampang lah *asal ngomong*, hahaha :P

    Anyway, good luck buat semuanya ya!! :)

  3. Semoga semua lancar yaaaaaaaa NIe

  4. Sher, aku ngerti banget perasaan kamu. Di negara baru, dengan kultur dan bahasa yang asing. Tanpa tujuan yang pasti dan jelas.

    Tapi selain Tuhan, Lan dan keluarganya ada di situ dan akan ada di sisi kamu. ;-)

    It would be alright. :-*

  5. tenang..mari pikirkan makanan yang enak di beijing... hehehe :)

  6. Klo dengar Beijing, kok gue kebayang jalan2 di musim dingin ya?

    Jadi, bakalan tinggal di sana nih?

  7. Lu di beijing for good sher?


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