The latest news!

We are back from being in Surabaya for a week. It's just nice to just be at home again, except that I am sick. Headache, runny and blocky nose, as well as fever. Ugh... I am feeling horrible right now.

We were super busy in Surabaya. Meeting people here and there. The most important, however, was to renew my passport and apply for the Chinese visa. So now I got my new passport and Chinese visa. One thing that was so complicated is how to legalised our Indonesian marriage certificate. :( We had to send things to Jakarta (Departemen Hukum dan HAM + Departemen Luar Negeri) to get their approval stamps, etc. Super complicated! Until now, it's still not finished yet... I hope it's finished real soon, so that we can have stress-free holiday!

How are you all doing? I hope I find you all well.

Anyway, headache is killing my head, so I better lay down for now.



  1. kok jalan2 malah sakit sher? udah gak biasa ama udara surabaya yah :)

  2. kaget kali yah ama udara yang super panas di indo wakakaka :)
    kapan kunjungan ke jakarta nya ?

  3. yah semoga smua urusan cepet2 beres yah Nie ,
    kuliner apa di surabaya ?

  4. haha, mudah2an urusannya cepet beres dan flunya cepat sembuh ya! Jadi bisa lebih enjoy deh di Indonya :D

  5. wah asik nya ke sby.. gua udah lama banget gak ke sby... pasti makan2 enak2 ya.. hahaha.

    get well soon ya!

  6. semoga cepet sembuh yak biar bisa jalan2 dan have fun..
    masi pegang paspor indo ya nie?


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