I am FREE!!!!

Thank God, today I finished my last exam!!! That means I finished my last semester! That also means that I finished my 3-years degree! (well, except for the graduation!)
From now on, I will be literally doing nothing, just waiting for the Graduation day, which falls on 6th July 2005. That day will surely be a BIG day for me!

But I am not actually doing nothing. This weekend, I'll be busy organising my friend's (Viona) 21th birthday celebration. Her birthday is on 28th May, but we are celebrating it earlier for her with her friends here in Liverpool, because she and I are going away to Oldham on that actual date, celebrating it with our other friends.
So, that's 2 weekends full of things to do.

Also, at the same time, I have to pack most of my things and put them in the storage rooms. My dormitory contract is ending in the middle of June, and so I'll be moving out to Viona's place and stay there until the graduation. In September, I will come back to the same room, though! I love this room, it's so huge compared to the others. I also have my own bathroom! ^^

I regret that I have to cancel my plans to go to Europe (Amsterdam & Padderborn). Sorry... I am postponing it since my parents decided to come for my graduation. So, I will have to use my money for them. Next year, hopefully, I will be able to fulfill my dream to go to Europe for a holiday.

Oh well, that's all for now. I am actually exhausted now. I am feeling really tired after the exams. After the last exam, I and my friends went to Pizza Hut for lunch buffet. It was nice! We actually had time to relax and chat together and not worrying about exams!! But... these are the last moments we will be together. After the graduation, we'll be going off our own ways... However, I cherish every time I got together with all of my friends and knowing all of them. ^^

Lord, I thank You...
For the guidance and care.
For the love and strength.
For the ending of this chapter of life and the beginning of the new one.
Whatever comes may...
But let this be my only plea,
That You will always be with me in every one of those chapters!
- nie.


  1. aminnnnn...aminnn

  2. sukurlah udah beres ujiannya.. kamu stress belajar, aku yang stress dengerinnya;) hahahaha...

    gak papa sher, laen waktu ajah kalo ada hokie, baru jalan ke sinih...

    happy wiken:)

  3. wow...asyiiiikkk..udah Free sekarang..hhmm...emang masa" spt ini seneng sih tapi sedih juga karna harus berpisah dengan teman"...btw...jangan sedih ya...ntar juga dapat teman baru lagi ^^

    enjoy ur long holiday sis ^^

  4. Selamat ya Sher, abis ini lulus. Trus nikah. Trus momong anak. Trus kapan ke Europe?

  5. wow! CONGRATULATION sister! ke depannya, lebih lagi bersandar pada Dia yah? Tuhan memberkatimu...

    loooooong holiday..... mau ngapain aja doooooooong? keep blogging ajah deh yah? :)

  6. abis selesai kuliah mau ngapain nih sher?
    mau kerja, mau nikah, atau mau travelling dulu?

    selamat ya! and have a nice weekend :)

  7. Selamat ya sher. Kepingin dech liat graduation ceremony-nya sherly. Photonya diaplod yah.

  8. hore bentar lg lulus ya :)

    graduation pake kebaya dong sher? hehehehe...sanggul sanggull

    selamat menikmati masa2 santai ya, ke yurop kapan2 saja, jgn lupa ketemuan ya !


  9. congrats yah... smoga berhasil...

  10. congrats yah... smoga berhasil...

  11. Selamat bersantai-santai ya Sher.. You deserve it after a long semester... :) Tp sambungan cerfet tetap ditunggu lho heheheh :D

    Have a good weekend sist :)

  12. wah..wah.. dah nyantai ya ? trus skr mo ngapain ? daripada ga da kerjaan tuh ngeshout di SB gw saben hari mau ga kekekek :D

  13. waaa.. selamat yaaaa.. udah mau graduation.. setelah itu gimana sher ?
    oya, minta id ym nya ya sama emailnya kirim ke intan@alamsyah.net .. sandra libur tgl 28 mei sampai 4 juni, pengennya sih ke Liverpool tp Sherly pergi ya ? pulangnya kapan Sher ?



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