Today was...

  • The day I got the latest photos of Coen after so long... Thank you to Kk Ria for taking them while meeting with him yesterday in Singapore. ^^
  • The last day of my Bachelor degree lectures. *yey!*
  • The last day I probably will spend time talking with my friends together in the Guild of student of our University. They'll be doing their own things and I'll be staying to do my Master degree by myself.
  • The day I started getting nervous for my final exams. God... It's starting on Monday. I hope it will go well.
  • Today... the 3-years suffering ended. Hohohoho... But... In September, new suffering will come! *bletak!* HIhihihi....

Dah ah.... mo coba belajar... Have a blessed weekend, everyone! God bless! :)


  1. Kabar baek Te...didoakan ya semoga ujiannya lancar.
    Eh tante, baru ngeh loh kalo Om Coen itu calonnya tante Sherly:-D Kapan mau nikah Tante?

    Have a nice weekend ya Te..

  2. all the best for the exam ya sis...

    ntar klo kita ketemuan ama coen lagi...we will send u more pictures ^^

  3. Sukses yah buat examnya nti hari Senin. Weekend ini bakal belajar yah, jangan sampe lupa waktu makan and bobo yang cukup.

    Sekali lagi sukses buat examnya.

    Sher, aku minta bannermu yah, trus aku taruh link juga ke blogmu.

  4. yay... the last day?? heuehueeuh senang sekali yah :D... aku juga ingin :)

    haaa abis ini langsung ambil master sis?? in what?

  5. sher,gutlak examnya yaaa..kamu pasti bisaaa! yg buat bulan sept mah nanti nanti aja dipikirinnya ..

    konsen ama yg didepan aja,yayayaya...

  6. gutluk for the exam sis! ayoh belajar... from surabaya with all the best wishes for you *big hugs*

  7. sherly.. sorry telat:) gutlak yah buat hari senin besok... 20 jam lagih, hayoh jgn ceting mlulu:) kekekeke...

  8. haiyaa emaknya aiko ....menghitung jam kekekekke .....nyante aja sher ... nti klao nervous malah bingung (sok tau yach tantemuw ini) but gutluck aja for you biar semua lancar :)

  9. waiyo..dah lama gak berkunjung k sini tiba2 ganti le ot...kok kamu ujian melulu siyy? Kapan kamu ke sini?

  10. met blajar ya non.. yuk yuk...

  11. met ujiannnnnnn ya. sukses selalu. wah sebentar lg masa unde grad berlalu yah. gut lakkkk



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