Education fair

Okay, friends... I am back with the full stories I promised you all, yesterday... Here we go!
Sunday, 05 Nov 2006 Singapore - Malaysia Education Fair in J. W. Marriot Surabaya, 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. It was a busy afternoon, especially for me it was the first time, I ever touched on marketing. I had to promote the James Cook University (throughout the fair). Something embarassing happened during the fair *of which I better not tell, hehe...*
The night, Mee chan stayed over. We talked until about 2.30 a.m. I am still glad that we met twice (I met her on Thursday, the night I arrived in Surabaya). She became like a sister immediately. We shared and talked as if we are friends for a long time already.

Monday, 06 Nov 2006 Education Fair at Regent Hotel, Malang. We left Surabaya with a chartered bus at 9 a.m. I got to see a little bit of Lapindo hot mud, but nothing special or exciting. Malang's fair wasn't as good as the fair in the other places. It was very boring, but from there the madness of the crews begun. Hehehehe...
Got home around 12 midnight, feeling so tired. Had to pack up for the next day.

Tuesday, 07 Nov 2006 Education Fair at Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Denpasar. Yup, we went back to Denpasar. The fair was great and I got to go home for a night, before we continue our journey. All the Singaporeans (the representatives of all schools) were very excited to be in Denpasar and asked me where to go. I recommended Warung Made, which turned out to be a good choice and they were all pleased.

Wednesday, 08 Nov 2006 Day off, journey to Solo. We took the flight around 1.10 p.m to Jogjakarta and then hopped on the hotel bus to Solo. For dinner, we had gudeg at Adem Ayem restaurant, which was superb. And we had a chance to go to Solo Grand Mall for window shopping. Two school representatives, Patrick & Pak Emil, and I managed to had some coffee and enjoyed a live band performance at the 'Intro' lounge and resto. It was a great relaxation day. We had fun and laugh.

Thursday, 09 Nov 2006 Back to work. Solo Fair at Novotel hotel. It wasn't as crowded as Surabaya or Denpasar, but good enough and not as boring as Malang. We managed to make jokes and laugh throughout the fair that day. Hehehe...
At night, we went to eat nasi timlo, which was good but not as good as the gudeg from the day before.
When we came back to the hotel, some of us went straight to sleep, the rest agreed to go to the Pub to have fun for awhile. So, I & 4 school representatives (Yenti, Liem a.k.a PSB boy a.k.a chicken little, Maclean a.k.a BigMac a.k.a MacDonald, and Patrick a.k.a Pat a.k.a Ernest), went to the pub. We had some drinks (I had two glasses of JD soda, like Pat) and watched Mr. Bean animation, followed by some ugly karaoke times. Can you actually imagine 5 grown-ups watching Mr. Bean ANIMATION in a pub?!?! :p

Friday, 10 Nov 2006 The toughest day of the week! 04.30 a.m. we had to wake up. Had breakfast at 05.30 a.m., checked out of the hotel and went to the airport to catch the Sriwijaya plane to Jakarta at 07.00 a.m. Arrived at 08.00 a.m., a bus already waited to take us straight to Bandung. Arrived in Bandung around 12 midday at Holiday Inn hotel, we had to set up for the fair. Had a quick lunch, then the fair started from 02.00 p.m. to 07.00 p.m. It was a very busy fair! The busiest among all the other cities.
09.00 p.m. we finished packing up and got back on the bus to go back to Jakarta. Got to Jakarta around midnight and we were all tired.

Saturday, 11 Nov 2006 & Sunday, 12 Nov 2006 Jakarta fair at Arya Duta Hotel. We were all very impatient in finishing the fair, because of tiredness. Even so, on Sunday, we were sad that we had to say goodbye to each other, when everything was finished. I think we all will miss each other very much; the time together, the laughter and the craziness!
At 07.00 p.m., Yulia, my bestest friend, picked me up at Arya Duta hotel. We had dinner with Pat (who happened to be going home the next day) at Restaurant Padang. Then, we went to Kafe Pisa, had some ice cream (tiramisu flavour was so so yummy!!!) and I had two JD sodas again, same with Pat. We enjoyed the live band D'Cinammons very very much! The singer has a very good voice!
Around 11.00 p.m., we decided to leave and take Pat back to the hotel, before heading back to Yulia's home. Kisses on the cheeks to say goodbye to Pat... He's a great person to know; a very cool and funny person! I hope to see him again in the future.
Later at Yulia's home, we both watched the disney cartoon 'Stalion', while waiting for our hair to dry out. We also talked through the night, filling the gaps for the time we were far from each other. Yulia is my bestest friend that I met during my last year in Junior High (SMP 3). Until now, we are still best of friends. Until now, we are still like we used to be; open towards each other and have so much laughters between us. In other words, we enjoy each other company and although we are far away, we still maintain our friendship very well.

Monday, 13 Nov 2006 Phew... such a long post this time. Anyway... From the morning, I was busy looking for information about UK visa extension; starting from Deutch Bank building in Jl. Imam Bonjol to VFS at Abda Plaza Jl. Sudirman. Thank God, Yulie was there to accompany me! Thanks a lot, sist!
We had lunch at Rice Bowl, I had Hongkong Noddles with Black Pepper Beef. It was yummy! Then, for the first time, I went to Taman Anggrek! *grin & blush* Yulia took me there, because I wanted to buy some accessories for Grace, my sister.
While we were there, Lan rang. I was so so so glad!!! I missed his voice so much that I almost cried for happiness. As to what we were talking about, hehehe... that's off the record. :P
After I found the accessories, we had early dinner at Popeye's, before heading straight to airport. It seemed to be a short meeting between us, but I'm happy that I saw her. I miss my sister and bestest friend so much! *So, sorry for all my other friends in Jakarta, I didn't have the chance to meet you all. It would take several days for me to do that, whereas, I have other things to do waiting for me here at home.*

Phewwwwwwww.... It's finished. Okay friends! I think you become bored already with what I'm telling you. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Until the next one, God bless!


  1. wow... full schedule!!

    have a good week babe xoxoxo

  2. Wow.... . Kayanya super super sibuk nih... :) :) :) Ke Jogjanya pasti naik Garuda yah?? He3.. :D DI SGM ngeliatn toko saya ga?? Wakakakaka >> koq malah promosi sih... :D

  3. Sherlyyyyy...super duper sibuk sekali kau say...kebayang gw betapa capek-nya dirimu :)..istirahat juga nyang banyak...pan HUT uda tinggal menghitung hari :)...sukses extention visa-nya untuk UK...

    XXX Shierly

  4. waaaaaahhh...seru sekaliii...walopun capek tapi kayaknya sherly enjoy deh...

    apalagi ada telpon dari Lan..ehm..ehm..ehm...

    ready for the next trip dear? it's gonna be wonderful...^^

  5. Adem Ayem Solo? He-eh oke ya.
    Urusan fair yg ber-pindah2 kayak gitu emang asyik kalo kru-nya juga gokil en asik2. Jadi biar capek bawaannya ketawa melulu.

    Yg penting kamu enjoy juga :)

  6. waaa enaknya bis jalan2 eh tp cape banget kale yak. yah gpp lah yg penting kru2 nya pada gokil so ga bakalan bete :)

    oia, besok hari apa yak sher? kasih tau yak besok hari apa? :)

  7. halo Sherly, waw. Datang ke Jakarta tapi cuma sebentar yah. ke MTA juga. Semoga sukses.

  8. weleh..weleehhh capeee deeh banget yah sher tapi asik tuh travel ke banyak kota :D welkom back sist ;)

  9. udah aku upload potonya di blog + FS
    tapi aku kecilin super duper
    ketok gembuke

    kasi tau aku ya kapan keisnie

  10. Happy Birthday to you !!!

  11. wah, capek ya kak. syukurlah udah selesai gaweannya.


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