gone for sometimes

Guys, I have to be on hiatus for awhile... Going to be away from home until 12 November 2006. I will be busy with my uncle's education fair in several towns... Pray for the success, the safety of the trip and for me.
I will take this busy time as a time for my mind to rest in peace for awhile...

For you all, God bless you always in your every-days! He is always with you.
The tiredness of mine is unbearable...
Will you give me an answer that lets me know the path that I have to take?
I am waiting, always...
in the tiredness of mine.
And yet, I still love you...
very much.

God be with you and help you to decide.

To the one and only, the person, whom I still take as my fiance.

With all my love.


  1. wah lagi hiatus yah.. ok moga2 sukses yah sher..

  2. Wah, lagi hiatus yah... . Oke, sukses ya perjalanannya... :)

  3. sherly? hiatus yaa ... jangan lama2 yaaa :)

  4. Wah.. jalan2 nih critanya ;)
    Sukses deh!!

  5. hello kak sher...
    all the best for you, Lord Jesus bless you...

    btw, soal internet yg lelet itu mah kita maklum ajalah di Indo ini kak sher. tulis aja post ttg internet di Indonesia dan di UK sana (komparasi gitu). sapa tau ada blogger yg mo ngasih masukan ISP yg ok dan cocok untuk kak sherly. aku disini pake TelkomNet, kadang2 pake XL. browsing dari hp pake simpati. mumpung lagi murah...

    atau yg lebih bombastis, sapa tau postingan kak sherly memacu orang buat isp murah yg bandwidth-nya lebar biar internetan makin mulus.

    samalah kak, aku juga segera hiatus untuk ujian. GBU yo...

  6. wew.. sibuk bgt ya say ampe hiatus gitu..
    klo sempet pas k jkt qt ketemuan yaa..

  7. met jalan2 ya.. moga sukses acaranya...

  8. wadoh! pas mampir yg punya rumah hiatus...hiks... tapi gi senengkan... jalan2 ye... ikutan seneng juga deh:)

  9. loh ke mana Nie? semoga sukses yaaa...miss yaaaa...

  10. semoga sukses education fairnya, asyik dong ketemu banyak orang :)

  11. waaahhh ke Surabaya gak bilang bilang ya...malah pake acara nginep ama Mee-a hehehe...sekarang lagi dimana nih Sher?

  12. Miss you Sher, take care ya sist...

  13. br mampir lg setlah lm ga mampir, eh untung yg punya tyt jg br plg hiatus. Btw knp puisinya sedih gitu ya ?Nie, mampirnya ke http://tulisandian.blogspot.com/ aja ya


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