
Business are growing taller and I become even more tired and emotional. What my friends said were all true, sometimes things does not go the way I want them to be with the planning of our wedding.
Well, today, I learnt an interesting skill! To search words or more exactly chinese characters using the dictionary! My Lord, it is more like mathematics and Sudoku! It is the most unusual way of looking through dictionary, hahahaha! But I like it and it will definintely help me in the future to learn Chinese Mandarin when I am in England :)

Tomorrow, Lan has met an appointment to ring my parents at 2 pm UK time, and he requested me to be with my parents, in case there is any misunderstandings. Oh well, I am very happy about accepting the request because it means I will hear his voice again after a while :)

Oh well that's all for now! Take care everyone! God bless!


  1. wah 1 month 2 go so pasti lagi busy n deg2an also hepi hehe...

  2. *uhuy......asik asik asik....tinggal emnghitung hari, jam, menit n detik nih ceritanya*

    Kabar/i ya ya neng....duh ikutan seneng ;)

  3. wew... gimana mandarinnya sher??? lancar gak nih???? wew.. pasti tambah jago deh..

    palagi kalo ada Lan.. hehehehe.. langsung praktek deh....

  4. walah walah, telpon jg uda pake jadwal ya, ha3... :)

    Ha?? Pake Sudoku>?? Emang gimana tu caranya?? :D >> akhir2 ini lg seneng main sudoku... :D

  5. huhuw makin sibuk aja niy,,
    29hari lagi ya?

  6. But I like it and it will definintely help me in the future to learn Chinese Mandarin when I am in England :)

    eh,... beneran masih belajar Chinese Mandarin kak sher?


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