The celebration of Happiness

I am excusing myself from all of you. The time for Internet becomes so little because I have to spend a great deal of time to organise our wedding. Please forgive me if I can't visit your blogs as often as I always do, but if I have time, I will try to visit as many of your blogs as I can. Hopefully, after the wedding, I can visit all of your blogs again. :)

Please keep both of US in your prayers, friends. We appreciate that very much. We would also like to thank you all in advance for all the prayers, the congratulations and all of the beautiful wishes you have given us.

Jesus bless you all!

Ps. I will soon take my shoutbox off for temporarily. Therefore, I will prefer you to post your message for me in my previous post. Sorry for the inconvenience! Thanks! :)
It started with two shy ‘ILU’s in the friendly e-mails, hoping that we won’t hurt each other’s hearts for what happened in the past.
It continued with a statement that “…emotion is like a spring. The more you press it, the more you get bounced.
Late January, that time, you asked my hands for marriage for the second time and for real.

We have no regrets, this time.
We have abundance of The Lord’s approvals and blessings.
Praise Jesus, The One, The Organiser and The Celebrator of our union.

Love, when you said, “I can't deny the truth I love you.
I softly whispered, “So do I
And, forever, I will always love you.

- nie, on his birthday 13th April 2007


  1. moga2 berjalan lancar ya wedding nya.. :D

    gbu.. ;)

  2. wah... 2 minggu lagi :D
    smoga acaranya berjalan lancar ;)

  3. dua minggu lagi..
    duh makin deg"an ya say?
    ntar crita" yaaaa..
    moga" smua berjalan lancar ;)

  4. moga semuanya lancar yak.. didoain.. GBU!!!!


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