
Showing posts from December, 2007

Into 2008

W e are at the very end of 2007 now with so many memories to keep from the previous 12 months we experienced. There were sadness and joy immersed throughout the year. For both Lan and I, 2007 is the year we made a very important decision; to be together for the rest of our lives. Marriage was something that I did not expect to enter last year, but here I am a married and happy wife of a wonderful husband! I am continuously grateful for the 'one' Jesus has chosen to be with me for the rest of my life. Well, 2008... There are many exciting things, I believe, waiting for us. Honeymoon and going home to Beijing will be the two obvious ones. For the year to come, I am praying that I will keep learning to be a better and better wife for Lan and to help my family. Also that I will do great in my PhD study. Above all, I want to thrive to be a better daughter of my Father, Jesus Christ; to love, to serve and to be closer to Him each day of my life. Oh well, that's all for now. Jesus...

Merry Merry Christmas!

W e received the first two Christmas cards Monday, which are from our supervisors. Well, the one from my supervisor is an interesting one! 'Enjoy your first Christmas being married!' That's what she wrote in the card. Hehehe... Both Lan and I laughed on that. It just sounds funny to us. Many people ask what are we doing in Christmas, where are we going to go. The answer is: nothing and nowhere. We do not plan anything particularly special for this Christmas, but I do look forward to being at home and relaxing for at least several days at home. It is after Christmas that we plan to shop some gifts to be brought back to China during Easter, it is because the sale starts then hehe... Right now we are still in the office, finishing few things before the year goes by, getting ready for the business next year, which are already piling up. The building is very quiet at this time of the year, as the students are already on holiday, and some of the lecturers do not come to the offi...

Neck massage please...

J ust been to the doctor. The blood test is excellent *and so she said*. The problem is, she concluded, a muscular problem around my neck. She said the neck muscles are so tensed and, so, create the headaches. Hence, she suggested to do some neck exercises and have some massages. *Yey! I got Lan to massage my neck every night hihihihi....* Well, let's hope what she said is true, in that case I don't have to go and see the doctor again on 02 January 2008 (my next appointment). We had a huge fight last night, which proven to consume our energy so much, that dinner we just snored away and did not wake up until the morning (well, at least, I did!). Such an unpleasant experience that I really pray and hope and will try my best not to make it happen again. Yes, I admit, it was my fault. I was not supposed to leave you alone, I am sorry, dear... I learnt my lesson and will not do it again. Thank you, for giving me chances to improve. You are the greatest gift God has given to me, And ...


T his morning I was down ill again. I could not get sleep at all last night, my whole body was painful with eczema and it was just so annoying! So by the time I got to sleep was 5 a.m. in the morning and I was like a beaten chicken lying on the bed, exhausted. And there the headache strucked again! *doom!* So I asked Lan to go to the office by himself and to ring the doctor for the blood test results. When he came back at lunch time, he told me that the doctor said everything is normal in the result, but somehow, Lan is not convinced and insists to go see the doctor next week for further investigation of me. Well, I have to say that even I feel it is just so NOT right.

China, I am coming!

D espite of being married to a Chinese man, I have never been to China, which probably the most odd thing for a person to be married to a person and never even stepped a foot on her husband's origin nor met her parents-in-law before the marriage. Well, I had no excuses, but at that time it was not feasible for the time we had and the money, to have a trip to Beijing. Also, both families thought we will have plenty of chances to meet each other in the future time. And that future time for me is finally coming! After only meeting my parents-in-law (Papa and Mama) through chatting and webcam, I soon will have the chance to meet them in person! I am very excited and happy and cannot wait to see them. Next year we are going home! We plan for the Easter holiday in Beijing, I really look forward to see Papa, Mama and grandparents of Lan and maybe other family members! :) The only issue that I have to work on is my Chinese! So far, I have been improving my vocabularies from Lan, but not ...