Neck massage please...

Just been to the doctor. The blood test is excellent *and so she said*. The problem is, she concluded, a muscular problem around my neck. She said the neck muscles are so tensed and, so, create the headaches.
Hence, she suggested to do some neck exercises and have some massages. *Yey! I got Lan to massage my neck every night hihihihi....* Well, let's hope what she said is true, in that case I don't have to go and see the doctor again on 02 January 2008 (my next appointment).

We had a huge fight last night, which proven to consume our energy so much, that dinner we just snored away and did not wake up until the morning (well, at least, I did!). Such an unpleasant experience that I really pray and hope and will try my best not to make it happen again. Yes, I admit, it was my fault. I was not supposed to leave you alone, I am sorry, dear...
I learnt my lesson and will not do it again. Thank you, for giving me chances to improve.
You are the greatest gift God has given to me,
And will stay the greatest for the rest of my life.
You are the gift so great that the evil tried to snatched you away from me...
But I cannot afford to lose you again...

You have become my everything in life,
Someone I lean on and depend on.
I said 'I do' for you deserve all my life and love and more than that.
I love you, honey, so much....


  1. berantem tuh biasa, bunga bunga cinta :P

  2. terkadang aku ngalamin hal yg sama, otot leher rasanya sakit. tapi katanya sih berhubungan sama pola makan

  3. ah, masa sih otot leher bisa bikin sakit kepala? Aduh, bahaya neh. Aku ngerasa otot leher saya kaku dan perlu dipijat, wakakakaka...

    moga2 gpp deh... :D

    baidewei, small fight kan biasa tu. Yang penting habis itu 'refleksi' dan menyadari apa yg salah (halah, sok serius bahasanya, LOL)

  4. Menurut katanya nih... Berantem adalah hal yang wajar. Berantem kadang juga dibutuhkan kok. Sehat dan sah2 aja. Asal jangan keseringan. Kadang lewat berantem pasangan belajar lebih mengenal dan memahami masing2. Dengan catatan dua2nya jangan keras kepala dan mempertahankan kebenaran diri sendiri, tapi belajar melihat dari sudut pandang pasangan juga.
    Pssst.. biasanya abis berantem tambah mesra lho ;) :D

    Damai... damai.... :)

  5. syukur kalau cuma bermasalah soal otot leher. moga2 berantemnya bukan karena misua capek kebanyakan ngasih neck massage yah. hehehe.

  6. bagus tuh puisinya.

  7. good to hear that, sher,..!
    kemarin aku ikutan massage workshop,...asik juga loh...

    btw aku link blogna yahhh

  8. eh kayak leher lakiku tuh. kalo out of line, kepalanya pening. dulu sih sembuh kalo ke chiropractic. cuma malasnya jd bergantung ama chiropractor and hrs rutin.

    dimassage ngaruh ya ?

  9. Tegang otot di leher pernah bikin kpalaku pusing berminggu-minggu, akhirnya berobat ke akupunktur...cuman belio cukup ngobatin dengan mijet, tapi suakit juga, akhirnya ilang deh tuh pusing...
    wah, jadi sharing nih.

    Kapan ke sini, aku bisa mijet juga loh...*promo*.

  10. You juga semoga cepet sembuh Sher, penyakit manten baru kali jadi sakit2an =))...obatnya liburan tuh!

  11. halo Nie, gimana udah baikan? Wishing you have a wonderful Christmas yah...


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