Praise God!
I's a happy day today! I just received a letter of my scholarship renewal, which means I did good enough last year for the scholarship to be extended. Praise The Lord for that!
About my illness after returning from Hamburg, I had acute flu, headache, fever and some muscles and bone pain. It made me feel so mushy! Thank God, Lan took a really good care of me; cooked for me, reminded me to eat medicine, and helped me a lot. However... I transformed to a giant bacteria! I passed the illness to him! Argh... so two sick people taking care of each other!
Anyway, we are OK now, in terms of those illness... Yet, I suddenly got an eye-infection! Itchy and red, it frustrates me. My eyes become easily red when I face the computer screen for too long (whereas, I am supposed to face the screen all the long to work!) I had been using an antibiotic ointment for 5 days now, as instructed by the doctor, but not much has changed. So, I am going back to see the doctor on Friday, hope it can heal soon.
Hmmm... I'll make it short this time. Feeling a bit dizzy. God bless you all!
Ps. Ada yang tahu gimana caranya menghentikan kebiasaan mengorok?! Kasih advice yah!
About my illness after returning from Hamburg, I had acute flu, headache, fever and some muscles and bone pain. It made me feel so mushy! Thank God, Lan took a really good care of me; cooked for me, reminded me to eat medicine, and helped me a lot. However... I transformed to a giant bacteria! I passed the illness to him! Argh... so two sick people taking care of each other!
Anyway, we are OK now, in terms of those illness... Yet, I suddenly got an eye-infection! Itchy and red, it frustrates me. My eyes become easily red when I face the computer screen for too long (whereas, I am supposed to face the screen all the long to work!) I had been using an antibiotic ointment for 5 days now, as instructed by the doctor, but not much has changed. So, I am going back to see the doctor on Friday, hope it can heal soon.
Hmmm... I'll make it short this time. Feeling a bit dizzy. God bless you all!
Ps. Ada yang tahu gimana caranya menghentikan kebiasaan mengorok?! Kasih advice yah!
Wah selamat ya say , ikutan happy utk kamu :)
ReplyDeleteMoga2 cepat sembuh ya say dan banyak istirahat , duh berbahagialah dikau punya suami sebaik lan ...
Memangnya masih surprised kah hasilnya, toh kamu udah bekerja keras en tried do the best taon lalu :)
ReplyDeletekurang ngerti tapi salam kenal yach :)
ReplyDeleteAh si Sherly mah emang pinter dan rajin. Gak heran beasiswanya diperpanjang terus :)
ReplyDeleteMudah2an lekas baikan ya matanya..
Congratzz!! hehehe... :) After all the working hard, pasti akan ada "balasan"nya, hehehe... :)
ReplyDeleteBtw, coba deh beli kacamata yang lensa-nya pake yg namanya anti-EMI, lebih mahal dari lensa biasa sih, tp cukup melindungi mata. Aku kalo komputeran pake kacamata yg anti EMI jadi gak gampang capek koq matanya, hehehe... :) Selain itu lensanya juga katanya bisa mencegah katarak, mencegah radiasi, dll gitu, hehe... (malah kaya promosi, LOL)
Ngerokok? Wah, gatau deh, hehe... .
Slamat ya Sher, beasiswanya diperpanjang :D
ReplyDeleteYg ngorok kamu apa Lan nih? Hihi. Kyknya klo ngorok biasanya karna kecapean atau posisi tidurnya salah... (bantal / kepala)...
get well soon, Nie...
ReplyDeleteselamat buat hasil studinya...sapa dulu...;)
wahh..beasiswanya diperpanjang..Praise the Lord!! itulah buah hasil dari Ora et Labora, ya sher..
ReplyDeletewah, semoga matanya cepet sembuh, sakit mata bener2 gak enak, aku pernah mengalaminya..hehehe..
masalah ngorok? waduh, gak tauu..emang syapa yang ngorok?
congrats dear.
ReplyDeletemoga cepet sembuh yah.
selamat yaa utk perpanjangan beasiswanya... hebat deh.
ReplyDeleteBrenti ngerokok harus ada niat kuat dulu then baru deh cara2 ngeberhentiinnya.. gimana yaa? waa ummi jadi bingung deh... bawa ajah ke dokter ahli paru atw sering lihat OPRRAH show yg ada dr OZ-nya nanti di kasih lihat paru2 org yg merokok sama yg tidak... dan seyeeem deh bedanya
Congrats for the renewal of ur scholarship sis...all the best for the next
ReplyDeletebtw get well soon for both of you yaaa...
satu tips dari torkis...olah raga...lumayan ngorok-nya berkurang drastis...
wahhh hebring deh dapet perpanjangan beasiswa.....moga-moga cepet kelar yah studina
ReplyDeleteaduhh kacian deh .. sakit bisa smp dua2an akhirnya , tapi dah sembuh kan ? tinggal sakit mata aja yah ?
ReplyDeleteke dokter laen aja , coba yah !
Congrats juga yah scholarship diperpanjang .. biar rajin n OK yak sekulnya .
Otot n tulang pada sakit ? ada tuh tk pijet nya , ha2222
hi nie, apa mungkin, sakit matanya karena allergic? harus tahu dulu allergic nya krn apa. mataku pernah allergic thd angin yg keluar dari AC, sengsara bgt. btw aku gak merokok jadi gak tahu bgm mencegahnya. ada yg bilang, bisa menguranginya dengan suntik nikotin yg bertahap dosisnya
ReplyDeletehalaaah salah baca yaa... well tidurnya miring ajah kali sapa tahu berkurang.
ReplyDeleteGet well soonm ya Sher...btw kocak banget akhirnya...ada yang tau stop ngorok...halah....buat Sherly apa Lan, hehehe.
ReplyDeleteduh selamat ya Sherly, dapet beasiswa lagi.. nggak heran deh, kamu kan pinter orangnya... suami juga...
ReplyDeleteDan semoga cepet sembuh ya kalian berdua... amin..
saya yg smoke, say? wah enak yach di renew scholarships nya... aku jg mau dunk apply scholarship, gmna yach hehe?
ReplyDeleteI'm happy for you...
duh, semangkin terbukti dong cintanya... disaat sakit di saat sehat... :)
semoga cepet sembuh ya, sher...
baca komen2nya jadi bingung, sebenernya lo minta tips untuk menghentikan kebiasaan mengorok ato merokok sih? hihihi... :P
Ah, you smoke?
ReplyDeleteMy advise : don't! just don't :D
Congrats for what what you did last year. An axtended scholarship? Wow..
kecapekan kali ya, makanya flu.
ReplyDeletetapi horreeee ...selamat ya scholarshipnya diperpanjang.
ada obatnya buat ngorok...yg ditempel di hidung tuh...aku liat iklan di TV kapan itu. ampuh/enggaknya...meneketehe...
ReplyDeleteudah sembuh belum??? congratz ya...buat scholarshipnya. belum capek sekolah? hehe..
congration sist. Nanti pulang ke indo tambah pinter deh.. swwit swwiiit. Btw, ada niat menetap di indo or UK nih?
ReplyDeleteWets untung baca komen lain dulu. Ngorok toh, bukan merokok :D. Latihan bernafas dengan baik dan benar secara sadar: gunakan hidung dan paru-paru :P *ini serius lo*.
ReplyDeletewuah congrats yak... :) nie emang top abis deh.. :)
ReplyDeletepake lensa yang ada anti radiasi nya deh, aku juga uda beberapa tahun ini pake begituan mata gak gampang sakit dan pusing...coba yah
ReplyDeleteNgorok, ya?
ReplyDeleteSalah baca.. hehehe
Kata orang sih, tidurnya jangan telentang, tapi ngadap kanan. Bantal juga jangan terlalu rendah atau tinggi.