Weekend in London

We had great time in London, despite the traffic jams that slowed us down every time we are heading somewhere. Meeting with my godfather was really worth it! We were so happy to meet him, after a year not seeing each other.
In the middle of it, we had a couple of hours sightseeing around Westminster area, unfortunately the photos aren't really good, because the sun makes it either really dark or both of our eyes are closed hehehe... We did not get into the Parliament house nor the London Eye. Oh my... the queue was ridiculous, mind you it was a Saturday.
Still, I had great time going around with my hubby.

Now, we are back to the routine and business!


  1. seneng nya disela2 waktu cibuk masih bisa jalan duaan sama Hubby tersay .. he222

  2. hwuaaa... seneng bisa jalan2 sama hubby. ur godfather must be really happy dong bisa ketemu kalian lagi after a year not seeing each other...

    i'm happy for you...

  3. waaa enaknya yg jalan2, hahahaha.... :)

    Wah, disana ternyata London Eye itu juga rame bgt yah?? Hmmmm... . Jadi pingin kesana nih. Btw, satu vehicle di London Eye itu isi buat berapa orang sih?? :)

  4. waa sher, jjs mulu nih..jauh ga ke london?pengen bgt kesana wiken'an aja, tp mesti apply visa dulu, huhuhu..ribet


  5. nothing beats a great outta town weekend to welcome a new hectic week

    smangattttttt heeheh

  6. jalan2 terus nih ya sher..
    itu lah enaknya masi "pacaran" klo mo jalan2 ga pake ribet.. ehhehehe..

  7. He-eh paling sebel pas ada di tempat yg oke pada waktu yang salah, pada saat posisi matahari 'gak mendukung untung foto.
    Pengen jalan2 ke London eui..

  8. asyiknya jalan2 berdua... pacaran terus ya

  9. kakak adek ini nempel terusssss, huhhhhh (sirikdotcom) :D

  10. Yang penting , kalian berdua keliatan happy banget di fotonya ..

  11. Sayang gak naik London Eye...emang sih antrinya panjaaaang....eh, itu yang bikin dari perusahaan di Boxtel loh.

    Lan ketawanya ceria amat, hehehehe...

  12. aihhh,....jadi dejavu niyyyy

  13. kemana2 asal sama hubby sih asik2 aja toh? I miss London.

  14. pake kacamata item sherl biar matanya gak keliatan mejem wehhehe

    kadang sebel neh kalo mau berphoto, mataharinya gak kompak

  15. rek... mbok yao aku iki pisan2 dijak wiken ndek london kono rek...
    ojok ngiming2i ae...
    gak syopaaaan

  16. Hi Sher, enak yah jalan2 terus, aku bosaaan di sini with the same routine everyday :((

  17. Lho sist? Aku ngeliat fotonya itu dirimu tambah ndut yak? *halah* hehehe. Iya sist, aku ini sekarang ini tambah pikun dan tambah kebo aja. Udah gitu nggak pernah apdet pula...

  18. already read this at your multiply, sista... hehehe...

    mmh, aku mau nanya, yang nulis komen di blogku kemaren itu kak sher ato bro alan ya? penasaran... :(

  19. dimana aja yg penting sama hubby tercinta pasti seneng ya Sher :)

    penasaran bgt pengen liat2 London...kapan ya bisa kesana..

  20. Sherly jalan-jalan muluw nih...
    Mupeng jadinyaa... :(

  21. Hooraay... sherly's come back from London. Pasti bawa oleh2. siap² kerumah sherly ambil oleh² :D

    Have a nice, happy weekend, sista. My regards for Lan. C U...

  22. Wah.. senangnya jalan-jalan di London. Kalau saya yang kesana pasti gak bakal ngelewatin pertandingan bolanya Chelsea. hehehehe

  23. he... gak mudik mbak

  24. wah senengnya, ke westminster, eh kalo gak salah itu kan disebut2 di novel the da vince code, cool!

  25. bagus bisa jalan2 ya...jadi ga jenuh..

  26. nothing is more relaxing than spending time with the lovely hubby. ya nggak sher? hehehe. makasih ya buat ucapan puasanya. have a great weekend ya sher!


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