Deadline oh deadline

Been ages since my last post, never knew I'd be so busy!
I have been chased by deadline and I have been chasing time hahaha! I have this end-of-year report, which is very important. It decides whether I get to continue to the second year or not. On top of the report, an interview will be held early October, where I will be questioned about my works by the professors of the Computer Science department. That's the reason I've been burying myself under papers and works...

Monday to Wednesday, I went to a 'Reachability Problem' Workshop for free (got a great dinner in a posh restaurant, too!), other than that, nothing really excites my life!

Going to London Saturday and Sunday to meet a man, who is like a second DAD to me. I hope it is going to be a great time, been missing him a lot, the last time I met him was on my wedding day...

Righty, friends, gotta go now. Have a blessed weekend!!


  1. o pantesan jarang posting sher, ternyata..gutlak deh ya sama reportnya klo gitu..

    have fun jg ke london

  2. hahaha, gudlak sama kerjaannya ya

    kayanya memang sekarang2 ini pada sibuk semua yah? Aku jg neh gila banyak bgt yg musti diurus dan dikerjakan... :(

  3. gd luck ya for the works. and have fun this weekend in london, picturesnya ditunggu =DD

  4. koq malah kejar-kejaran sih, met weekend juga ya

  5. mo ketemuan sapa sih di London, kok aku jadi penasaran...MAN lagi?
    tar kalo uda dari London uplod foto yang dari sono yeee

  6. Wah pasti happy nih ketemuan ama bapak angkat setelah lama gak jumpa ..

    Have a cheerful weekend ya Sher ..

    ps : makasih doa dan ucapan ultahnya :)

  7. klo mikrolet dikejar setoran, sherly dikejar deadline... hehehe...
    gutlak yah, semoga semua lancar...
    have fun yah di london...

    have a great wiken!!

  8. posh restaurant punya victoria beckham ya ? lol

    lg musim sibuk neh

  9. Yang penting kan selesaikan semuanya dengan cepat tapi tepat :p nggak grasa grusu...selesai tapi nggak tepat :p alias nggak bener hehehe :) Di Indonesia juga semua orang sibuk ngejar deadline :p sibuk biar semua kerjaan selesai sebelum liburan Lebaran :D *halah* hehehe...

  10. wow..semangat ya sher kejar2an sama deadlinenya..kamu pasti menang..hahaha...

    eh kamu tinggalnya bukan di London toh? trus dimana dong?

  11. Ooo, jadi dirimu lg sibuk berat tho? Pantesan hampir 2 mgg gak update. That was really not ur style. Makanya i wondered why. hehe..

    Best luck for u sist, but do not be too stressed. Just do ur best and GOD will do the rest ;)

  12. Sama dong, saya juga berpindah dari 1 deadline ke deadline berikutnya. Berhari-hari mendekam di kamar di depan komputer aaaargh!

    Sukses deh ama kerjaannya, GBU!

  13. Semoga perjalananya lancar Tante ;)


  14. syukur skr dah beres ya,hihihi kebalik baca postingannya


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