Into 2008

We are at the very end of 2007 now with so many memories to keep from the previous 12 months we experienced. There were sadness and joy immersed throughout the year. For both Lan and I, 2007 is the year we made a very important decision; to be together for the rest of our lives. Marriage was something that I did not expect to enter last year, but here I am a married and happy wife of a wonderful husband!
I am continuously grateful for the 'one' Jesus has chosen to be with me for the rest of my life.
Well, 2008...
There are many exciting things, I believe, waiting for us. Honeymoon and going home to Beijing will be the two obvious ones. For the year to come, I am praying that I will keep learning to be a better and better wife for Lan and to help my family. Also that I will do great in my PhD study. Above all, I want to thrive to be a better daughter of my Father, Jesus Christ; to love, to serve and to be closer to Him each day of my life.

Oh well, that's all for now. Jesus bless you all and have a great new year!


  1. yeah 2 minutes to 2008, Happy New Year Nie & Lan, Big hugs from me :)

  2. Happy New Year 2008!!

    Wishing You All The Best!! :)

  3. Happy new year 2008 for you sis!!!

  4. happy new year juga ya sist :)

  5. ehm2 honeymoon ya abis ini. kapan nih sist aku da pengen punya keponakan lagi. hihihi

  6. semoga apa yang sherly dan lan harapkan terkabul,...
    happy new year,....

  7. Semoga apa yang kita harapkan bisa kita capai dan wujudkan. tuhan membimbing selalu.

  8. happy new year ya, jeng. wish the best for you and lan. semoga cepet punya momongan. :)

  9. how's ur first days in 2008 kak sher? still on fire tah? pasti dong.

    aku kerja di perusahaan seafood buying agent, kak. sbg staff quality control merangkap logistik. kita jualan barang ke Scotland, produknya udang. jadi kalo kak sher beli produk brand L&T sama Asian Harvest, itu yang ngurus kita2 disini.

  10. Happy New Year 2008...

  11. ydah gpp sist, aku setia menunggu. hohoho :D

  12. Met tahun baru Sher n Lan...moga rukun selalu. Sukses buat studinya...

  13. selamat tahun baru juga =)
    akuh baik-baik sadjaaa.. x) -pingkan mambo style* hehee


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