Anxiously waiting...

Only the fourth day of the year 2008, yet, we are already facing an anxious situation.
Lan submitted his passport for a visa extension in early November 2007, thinking that it was way too early since his visa will not expire until March this year. However, since we are planning for a honeymoon and a trip back to Beijing, I kept pushing him to send it early to avoid any problems.
Well, thought it was 'too' early enough to send it in November was a bit of a mistake! His passport is not back yet after 8 weeks of process and this morning he rang the UK immigration to ask the status of his visa extension. They said it is still under consideration!

~Well, what is more to consider?! He has all the documents they need and he is a STUDENT, for the love of GOD! It is not as if he is working or anything...~ I just can't understand why it takes so long to do it when we pay such an expensive price of almost £300!

I have been mad the whole day! Simply because, we are supposed to apply for our French visas by NOW for our honeymoon, which we picked to be the Valentine's week. I know it does not change a thing for being mad and all I do is making Lan feels bad and guilty... but, I really want things to go well huhuhuhu...
Anyway, thank the Lord, when I am in doubt like this, Lan is strong. He is making my faith strong again, saying that everything will be OK, his visa will surely come soon and we will just go for a 'fast-track' application of French visas by interview.
Well, Lord Jesus, we submit everything in your hands. We believe in You and Your Almighty power of opening doors for us; for changing the heart of the people, who deals with Lan's UK visa to produce his visa asap, and for our French visa to be smoothly processed. Amen!

Onto another topic. Yesterday was my mother's birthday. Lan & I sent her a card, which thanks to The Lord, arrived a day before her birthday (2nd Jan 2008). She sent a 'thank you' SMS to both of us and, in addition, she sent me a present. Words that strengthen me when I grow weaker. God... I miss her so much, love her so much and will never stop thanking Jesus for such a wonderful mother I am given. This is what she said:
Tuhan memberimu:
Pelangi di setiap badai,
Senyum di setiap air mata,
Berkat di setiap cobaan,
Lagu indah di setiap helai nafas,
Dan jawaban di setiap doa.


Translated to English:
The Lord gives you:
Rainbow in every storm,
Smile in every teardrop,
Blessing in every tribulation,
Beautiful song in every breath,
And answer in every prayer.


  1. ngirim november masih kurang early ya ? ya ampun...untung gak january ya ngirimnya. atau mungkin pas holiday seasons, kale ?

    happy birthday buat nyokap...all the best

  2. Sher, semoga visa-nya Lan bisa di-extend ya... Smoga cepet dapat keputusannya biar ga klamaan deg2annya

  3. Hai Sher.. yg di-quote itu lagu bukan?

    hehe.. nanya aja. bukan jg gpp. :-)

    Btw, thanks for keep visiting. Quote-nya itu juga cocok buat gue. *hiks..*

  4. It is just a holiday season kali Nie, tau kan UK :P. Eniwei, semoga Tuhan membuka jalan ya, dan semua yang sudah direncanakan dan didoakan akan terlaksana, amin. You are blessed to have such a good mum, i believe you are in her prayers day and night.

  5. Didoain semua lancar ya.. kan selalu Dia bikin indah pada waktunya..



  6. sherly, happy new year yaa :)
    merry christmas juga walau telat yaa, salam kenal dari ria. sbnrnya sering mampir kesini, tp ria jarang ninggalin jejak hihi :)

    Have a wonderful day dear!!!

  7. waduh, semoga cepet beres urusannya sher. emang tu dokumen gitu2 pasti banyak birokrasinya. mesti sering ditagih.

    puisi mamamu bikin terharu, kasih ibu sepanjang jalan ya


  8. semoga visanya bisa segera keluar mbak..jgn kawatir, kan bukan seperti di Indonesia birokrasinya :)

  9. wawww,.. mo honeymoon ke paris yah,...ditunggu cerita dan poto2na yahhh

  10. moga2 cepet beres ya sher. bisa kebayang gimana dagdigdug-nya. happy birthday juga buat nyokap yaaa!

  11. aduh terharu banget ama tulisan di kartunya...happy bday ya, n semoga semuanya lancar....oleh2 ya...hehehe (ga anxious ketemu mertua Sher ?)

  12. Semoga kalian selalu diberi yang terbaik, termasuk untuk urusan visa ini!


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