I dreamt of it: TWICE!

Waiting for Lan's passport to return has become something worrying. I dreamt of it to return in our hands, and last night was the second time! Seriously, it was not a very pleasant sleep, in fact, very tiring...

What is going on?! We are so anxious, hoping, day by day, it will return NOW. As the time to our Paris honeymoon is drawing closer, I am going insane...

Don't know what to do... In fact, we can do NOTHING about it... Lord, we cling to You. Only You can do the impossible...



  1. Astaga, lupa toch!!! Dasarr, ingetnya cuman pasport sih :D
    Ya udah, yg penting mah kebaca ama kamu kalo Boxtel-Eindhoven mah deket banget.
    Selamat berhoneymoon ya :)

  2. thx yach, sher for congratz of my newly life :). just pray sist... Lan pasport will be ok n ur honeymoon will be great. GBU

  3. wah, emang ada apa sih dengan pasport-nya?? :D

    Sialan tu ya pemerintah, mau honeymoon aja dipersulit, wkwkwkwkw... LOL. Ga usah bayar pajak aja (lho?? :D)

  4. iya..kenapa paspornya belum dibalikin? ada apa yak?
    orang mau bulanmadu dipersulit heheeh anggap aja rintangan sebelum menuju ke jalan kebahagiaan hehehe :P *ga ngerti ngomong apaan*

  5. Hi Sher,

    Lan's passport gonna be okay. ^_^ Aku jg pernah beberapa taon lalu, udah mo berangkat ke brisbane, passport masih stuck di kedubes aussie. Akhirnya dapet juga passportnya, only couple hours before my plane berangkat... Believing that God will never be too early and He will never be too late for us. GBU yaa... and have a happy honeymoon

  6. passport lan udah balik blon sis? Semogaaaaaaaa udah...emang klo menjelang holiday itu adaaaaaa aja yang buat kita concern...tapi ntar pas hari H jadi lega deh trus bisa nikmati liburan....hehehehehhe...

    Enjoy ur holiday...*semoga membuahkan hasil dedek buat calvin*...xixixixixixixi...

  7. wah, paris :p pengeeen! btw thx sist dah masih ingat mampir di blognya saya heheheh *hughz*

  8. waw.. paris... =p~
    what a very romantic honeymoon pastinya ;) hehehehe..

    pray for the best..!!

  9. yes kak... I'm up again.

    kemaren sore di gereja, khotbahnya ngena banget ke aku.

    rugi besar aku nyiksa diri dgn mikirin segala keadaan ini. firman Tuhan bilang, "a cheerful heart is a good medicine". to those that me stuck, i don't care about them. i won't let satan steal my joy.

    Gbu kak sher

  10. apa gak bisa dicek via telepon, sher?

  11. blom balik jg ya?aduh smoga keburu deh yaa, pasti deg²an bgt deh nih sherly sama lan, kebayang..


  12. wuahh....jadi ngiri nih :P
    *mupeng dot kom*

  13. Wah,belum jadi juga? Eh tapi udah 4 hari berlalu sejak posting, semoga pasport udah di tangan!

  14. saking kepikirannya, sampe mimpi ya, sher ?!

    telpon aja, sher. tanyakin. bilang aja bahwa kamu udah punya rencana mau keluar kota/negeri.

    aku waktu nunggu green card, disarankan jangan ninggalin amerika dulu. tapi kami bilang bahwa udah punya rencana mau ke indo, akhirnya di stamp passport gue

  15. Just change the dream a bit. It's still about the passport, but this time it's already on your hand :). It might give you yet another hard time to sleep, only difference is now it's of excitement :D.

    Btw, I always take sleep as the best prayer, cause the best sleep always makes you surrender yourself completely upon His care. It's the best way of saying, "I believe you, Lord!" So say your prayer, and have a good night sleep. You deserve it. GBU.

  16. Gimana sis passport-nya udah balik blum? Payah nih mao bulan madu kok susah amat hehe

  17. berarti kamu kepikiran banget tuh


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