Blessings in the early days....
Hello friends! I am here to share a few of good news to you all. However, first of all, I'd like to thank you all for the sweet birthday wishes for my Mum.
Well, on Monday (5th January), as I planned, I got few things sorted out... I picked up the medical certificate from the clinic to support my suspension and my supervisor and I had the discussion we meant to have about this matter. The things that cheered me up were that:
Lately, my body has been very friendly to me. I am able to catch up some sleep and feeling better. My skin is improving because I use the strong medication from the doctor, however, lately, I notice it gives a weird reaction, my skin starts to look rather strange... Next Monday, I am seeing the doctor again, I hope it is nothing serious.
Both Lan and I have been gathering information about eczema, asking people here and there... From what I gathered, most of eczema's ointment is like a double-edge sword, it heals the eczema along with some serious side effects, e.g. the ointment I am using right now can make my skin thinner.
We hope there is a better solution...
Well, on Monday (5th January), as I planned, I got few things sorted out... I picked up the medical certificate from the clinic to support my suspension and my supervisor and I had the discussion we meant to have about this matter. The things that cheered me up were that:
- I received my passport back ALONG with 3-years UK visa extension *Praise the Lord!*, which means I can go home withouth any worries!
- Lan and I received a huge box of package from Mama and Papa all the way from Beijing, full of good stuffs; some seasonings, some warm clothes for me, a new pair of boots and plenty of supplements to sustain my health.
Lan's mum is a pharmacist, so when I get sick, she panicked and would get me the best care in the world. How sweet is that? :) - Another thing to praise God is that right now there is a sale on the flight ticket, so I can manage to get a cheap ticket home... Ah... superb!
We decide that I should go home within 2 weeks from now, depending on the suspension approval. We hope it will be approved ASAP.
Lately, my body has been very friendly to me. I am able to catch up some sleep and feeling better. My skin is improving because I use the strong medication from the doctor, however, lately, I notice it gives a weird reaction, my skin starts to look rather strange... Next Monday, I am seeing the doctor again, I hope it is nothing serious.
Both Lan and I have been gathering information about eczema, asking people here and there... From what I gathered, most of eczema's ointment is like a double-edge sword, it heals the eczema along with some serious side effects, e.g. the ointment I am using right now can make my skin thinner.
We hope there is a better solution...
moga2 bisa cepet sembuh yaaa
ReplyDeleteWah, kabar gembiranya bagus2 tuh, hehehe... :)
ReplyDeleteMudah2an eczema-nya bisa diatasi tuh, hmmm...
Yay, good news. :-) Enak bgt sering dikirimin hadiah dari Beijing... Very blessed...
ReplyDeleteMoga2 cepet diapprove ya suspensionnya... terus bisa santai2 di indo, getting better. wah sayang aku pulang ke indonya awal maret, kl ga bisa ketemuan ya Sher. ^^
semoga cepet baek ya sher......
ReplyDeletepermulaan awal th yg bagus!!!
ReplyDeletePa kabar?
Merry Christmas...
Happy New Year...Semoga di tahun ini apa yang kamu cita-citakan dapat terwujud...Amin
walau terlambat, gpp kan?
Duh sher, jangan sakit2 lagi ya..he..he.. aku gak mau sakit juga, kapok. Emang kesehatan itu mahal banget harganya...
congratz yach, sist... very nice to hear that news from u... wah mau plg indo ya.. smoga bisa ketemuan dunk coz aku masi di indo d... :)
ReplyDeletegbu yach
Semuanya pasti ada jalan keluarnya. Pasti ingat kan, kalau Tuhan nggak pernah ngasih beban melebihi kekuatan kita? :-)
ReplyDeleteYang nggak mungkin buat manusia, adalah mungkin bagi Tuhan. :-D
*itu tema khotbah hari Minggu kemarin...*
tuh kan Nie semua jadi baik2 aja
ReplyDeletemertuamu baik banget Sher. sayang bgt ama mantunya :)
ReplyDeletewaaa good news sher, sirik nih terutama yg terakhir, bisa pulang disaat cuaca dingin begini dgn tiket harga miring, aaah God is goood ya sheerr..
wah asyik banget tuh dpt paket dari china. disana murah2x ya barangnya.
ReplyDeletelagi sale ? cek tiket juga aaaaaaahhh hehe
waduh kalo obat yang sekarang side effectnya jelek, coba cari dokter lain dan obat lain sher? mudah2an dapet obat yg cocok dan cepet sembuh yaa..
ReplyDeletePuji Tuhan ya Sher , 2009 di mulai dengan kabar gembira , semoga selanjutnya juga kabar gembira terus ya ..
ReplyDeletemertuamu sayang banget ya patut di syukuri memang :)
seneng ya sher punya mertua yg care & syg sama menantunya..
ReplyDeletetrus dapet tiket pulang yg murah lagi..
tapi sedih jg deh ya ninggalin Lan smentara..
hope you get better soon dear..
wah udah mau pulkam ya. semoga sembuh kulitnya kena matahari indo.
ReplyDeletemertuamu care sekali ya. how sweet!
skin thinner? wah...mudah2 an gpp ya Sher...btw, senangnya punya mertua seperti itu...thx God. Kapan pulang?*dian ibung*
ReplyDeleteJangan lupa selalu jaga kesehatan karena hanya dengan sehatlah kita bisa lebih merasakan nikmat Tuhan.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas, semoga lekas sembuh...
ReplyDeletesalam hangat..
cepet sembuh yah sher...moga2 sampai di indo dengan selamat juga...
ReplyDeletemany wish for you sweet sherly..amin