It's not the same...

Hi all, especially to my beloved husband if he reads this. Long time no update from me, been busy going here and there to sort out many things including this Internet connection!

I am all well here; still having a bit of eczema but the condition is much better than when I was in UK. Sadly, my happiness at home is not whole without my hubby. It used to be such a happy time at home, but now... it is incomplete with him. I miss him terribly and think about him all the time. I feel as if I am not whole...

I went to the doctor twice already, showed him my skin and the medicines I got from UK. The doctor said I cannot use those medicines here, so he gave me a new ointment, which is much lighter and lesser side effects. My parents are also going to take me to the sulphur/hot water spring, which is said by many that it could cure eczema.

Still... it is not pure sadness. I am happy to be with my family.

OK, that's all for now. Thanks so much for all of your prayers, please pray that I recover fast and can return to my hubby quickly. Amen!


  1. Nie , get well soon .
    semoga exceme nya cepet sembuh n bisa plng n berkumpul lagi sama hubby .

  2. sher, get well soon yach... i knoe how ur feel but tp ini buat kebaikan n kesehatan kamu... tus smoga bisa kumpul n bertemu lg ya ma hubby...
    btw, minta no indo mu dunk :P

  3. Sher... akhirnya dapet kabar dari kamu lagi. :-) Semoga cepet sembuh yaaa... supaya bisa cepet ketemu hubby tercinta lagi... :-) In the meantime, enjoy the precious time with your family. God bless you sist.

  4. sher,...cepet sembuh....
    duuuhh, maap, bebek gag tau sherly dah di bali,...kemarin bebek ke bali padahal,....maap yah, sher....
    balik uk kapan? mampir dong ke singapur...

  5. katanya memang sih suplhur bisa ngilangin gatel2x. selaen itu, minum herbal gak, sher?

  6. Maen sekalian nginap ke Mimpi di Banyuning (deket Gilimanuk) aja Nie. Tempatnya asik untuk istirahat plus fasilitas kolam spring waternya juga ada.
    Cepat sembuh ya.

    Aku yg lagi iri berat sama kamu, karena kamu ada di Bali sekarang.

  7. hah? sekarang emang si sherly ada dimanaaaaa?? kok gw ga tau nih?? sakit apa yak? semoga cepet sembuh yak.. duhh ketinggalan info nih...
    sher, ada YM-an ga? YM-an yuukkk :)

  8. Yang aku tau tuh, Mimpi resort Banyuning dan Yeh Panes resort di Tabanan. Tabanan emang lebih dkt ke Denpasar, tapi Mimpi resort di Banyuning (antara Gilimanuk - Pemuteran) lebih asik suasananya.

  9. Cepat sembuh ya ,Sher..
    Kayanya kamu memang perlu banget terapi di alam tropis. Semoga sukses pengobatannya..

  10. cepet sembuh yaaa, enjoy ur holiday


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