Prayers for my beloved 老公

“Lan... Lan...”, I keep calling you in my dream last night. After our conversation last night I thought long and wide about him, about us, about our feelings; we miss each other terribly, beyond words.

I can imagine how hard it is for him to focus on his study, when, at the same time, he keeps thinking about me and missing me, the way I think and I miss him. Sadly, at this very moment, it is not possible for him to fly down to Bali and be together with me. He has works to do, lots of them... a scientific paper to submit by the end of the month, a presentation to prepare, also keeping up his progress on the thesis that he has to finish this year AND, yet, he has to explore a new topic as his supervisors discussed with him.
*Sigh* Just thinking about all of those tasks makes me feel tired...

Please, my friends, help me in praying for Lan; so that he can focus on his study, which clearly is the priority at this very moment. Also that The Lord, Jesus Christ, be his ultimate Teacher and grants him wisdom and knowledge sufficient for him to succeed in his study.

We have a plan for me to return to UK when the weather gets a bit warmer. I want to be besides him, to support and encourage him. I miss him. Terribly.

God bless you all!


  1. aduhh kacian deh Nie .. sedih yah Hubby ama kamu terpisah ga bisa saling ketemu .
    iya2 semoga kamu berdua bnyk didoakan yah . smg bisa cepet ketemu lagi .

  2. oh sweetheart, pasti berat buat kalian berdua. i will pray for Lan, and for you nie, supaya kalian segera dipertemukan kembali..GBU..

  3. Sher... baca post ini sampe terharu... Will always keep both of you in my prayers... God will protect Lan & guide him Sher. :-)

    Semoga badai salju di UK cepet berenti, semoga udaranya cepetan jadi warmer jadi kamu bisa cepet balik ke sana ya... GBU.

  4. *praying for Lan and Sherly*

  5. :-(
    I couldn't find any word as I read the entry. Felt brokenhearted.

    Keep on praying for you two.

  6. yup updated kali ini buat gw ampe berkaca2... napa ya arus mendapat cobaan kaya gini....
    keep praying 4 both of u...

  7. aih aih.... sini sini peluk sama fun aja dulu..ntar balik ke uk, baru peluk sma lan... :)
    yang sabar yaaak... :)

  8. hmmm, susah juga ya situasinya. Ya mudah2an bisa kuat lah, anggap aja ini sebagai rintangan kecil dalam hidup, hehe :D


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