Amateur Hairdresser

It's a common secret that getting haircut in the UK is very expensive. Hence, seven years in the UK, I had never had a haircut here ever! However, for Lan, it is inevitable. His hair grows fast and thick. Perfect for winter, but not for summer.
Seeing his friend got all his haircut from his wife, I was tempted to give it a go; being Lan's amateur hairdresser. Well, we both say it is not bad for a first-timer, although it did take me 2 HOURS and drained my energy. The combinations of nerve-wrecking experience and extreme anxiousness were with me for those 2 hours.

All in all, I have to say..., I am pleased with my braveness. It didn't turn out to be bad! Maybe, I should consider taking a hairdresser course!


  1. bagus kok sher cut hairnya... wah bole buka salon nich :)
    gmna masi skt?
    gbu yach

  2. ha22 kerja keras 2 jam membuahkan hasil lumayan , Not bad !
    good job , banyakan berlatih pasti better than first time . he222

  3. hehehe emang potong rambut tuh mahal ya kalo di luar negeri. cuma di indo yang murah kayaknya. :P

    gua juga jadinya selalu esther yang motongin. abis kan tiap bulan mesti gunting rambut, gak rela rasanya kalo mesti bayar mahal2. hehe

  4. hehehe,
    cakep kok...
    good job :)
    sekarang udah panas di sana ya...

  5. bakat lho kamu Sher, bagus gitu kok hasilnya...
    Emang sih di sini juga muahalll nek mau potong rambut, nggak rela pokoknya kalau mau ke salon... Jadinya ya aku yang potong rambut ian dan papinya... pertama2 agak susah, tapi sekarang, makin cepet... 30 menit kelar, krn dah hapal... hahaha...

  6. rapiii sheerrrrr...mau ya lan digunting'in, klo si B mah takuuttt, jd korban sementara msh si C, blom bs protes dia, kekekeke


  7. Rapi. Swear, rapi banget. Bakat bener sher, kalau di sana emang mahal, rasanya emang bener deh ketrampilang potong rambut perlu diperdalam he..he..kali aja malah bisa buka salon sendiri he..he...
    aku mau lho dipotong, palagi ku suka potongan cowok pendek dan rapi macam gitu hi...hi...pinter nih sherly..

  8. Buka barbershop bu, buat nambah2 jajan! :-p hehehe

    Bagus juga hasilnya. iya, kursus gunting rambut aja, Sher..

  9. Itu.... foto yg sebelah atas itu... Lan ya??...
    kaboooooorrrr... hihihihi...

  10. tepok-tepok buat sher.... aku jg kadang potong rambut hubby, pertama krn terpaksa..lama2 masih blm biasa jg hihihihi, tp suka....

  11. Potong rambut hanya utk ganti mode sementara palingan 3 bln udah tmubuh lagi

  12. buseeett deh..hebat juga bisa gunting rambut... duhhh kalo suruh aku, pake clipper oke lah hehehe :) kalo pake gunting gitu, ga mau a... pasti pitak2 hehehe :)
    keren juga hasilnya..nambah ganteng jadinya si hubby :)

  13. bagus sher,...hasilnya lan jadi jauh lebih gantenggg

  14. Namanya juga usaha buat nyenengin hubby khan Nie?

  15. hi sherly how are you?
    long time no see
    i think it's not bad,
    you are a good hairdresser
    two thumbs up for amateur!

  16. itu yg bawah pic "after"nya ya ? waaah bagus lho,sher. aku suka potongan yg bawah. jago juga lo ya hahhaha pake clipper gak sih ?

  17. sherly,
    Happy Easter dear.

  18. saat semua terbatas kreativitas akan berkembang sher hihihi...tapi bagus kok bisa buka salon nih sher di UK =PP

    aku juga kadang suka motongin rambut adikku lumayan hemat beberapa puluh ribu rupiah :D

  19. wah, dulu komenku tidak masuk toh, hmmm

    yah, taking the first step emang yg paling menakutkan sih ya, hehehe

  20. hahahahahahha

    *ketawa guling2*
    lucuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu banget

    ngakak puuooolll

    *mia chan*

  21. emang deh TOP banget...Lan jadi keliatan lebih fresh...klo ada cinta mah semuanya jadi wonderful deh...^^

  22. hai salam kenal ya.
    bagus banged kok, persis kayak di salon mahal. :)

  23. Sherlly...........

    Happy Belated Easter yaaa Dear...
    GBU Alwaysssss.......... ^^

    maap lama ndak mampir, aku nya lagi sibuk bener deh :) hihiihi... semoga shirley gag lupa sama ria yaaaa....

  24. OMG...hahaha. not bad at all, sher.....tambah ganteng suamimu....:D

  25. Waaa, jadinya rapi, Sher! Lan terlihat lebih segar dengan potongan rambut barunya.
    Ayo, latihan terus, biar nanti MJ kalau mau potong rambut, tinggal ke kamu aja, hihihi...


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