Back from holiday

We're just back to UK from Bali! Tired and sad and missing my family so much! I finished unpacking, but gosh... we are extremely tired. We had a great holiday, praise The Lord for that!
That's it for now. Will update again later after the resting. God bless you all!


  1. welcome back.. asiknya yang abis mudik... :)
    ditunggu cerita2 dan foto2nya yaaa

  2. welcome back sher... ditunggu ya foto2 dubai-nya :D

  3. hohoho, cucian numpuk gag?
    nggak kali ye,...kan udah dicuciin di bali :)

  4. Wew,welcome back to real life!! hehehe... :) Ditunggu neh cerita2nya :D

    Kalo aku minggu depan nih libur Lebaran seminggu, lumayan, hehehe

  5. Nie aku baik2 aja , tetep nulis n rame he22
    ditunggu laporan nya yah , biar tau kamu pasti cape n rumah perlu dibersih2in dulu .

  6. udah balik dari bali? huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kok gak ketauan ke bali nya :( "someone"

  7. Ditunggu foto2 ama cerita lengkapnya say , kangen euy ..

    aku coba pake compi hubby buat comment mudah2an bisa kali ini.

  8. horreee berhasil , berarti emang salahnya ada di compiku say ..

  9. welcome back, say...gak kerasa ya....met beres2x dulu deh. trus picsnya jg lupa yaaaa


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