Vacay 09 (2): Dubai 18 August 2009 (2)

Let's continue with our holiday story before I forget it all together... So, after having a yummy Lebanese food dinner, we went to watch the water fountain shows several time. The Dubai Mall made quite a big pool to accommodate these water fountain shows. The shows run everyday starting around 6pm for around every half hour until 10pm. Each show has different background song and different arrangement. They were all breathtakingly fantastic! No matter how many shows we watched, we seemed to never watch enough and we were always in awe... I was even having goosebumps! It's a must watch if you ever visit Dubai!

Feeling that we should move on after watching several water fountain shows, we hired a taxi for a night-city tour. We were blessed that we got a great taxi driver too! So, away from Dubai Mall, we started our journey visiting the infamous hotels in Dubai. First stop, Burj Al Arab, also known as the very first seven star hotel in the world. So famous that getting IN there without being a guest staying there, you would have to pay USD45 per person! Hence, we just took photos outside the gate, where not surprisingly many other tourists also crowding to take photos! The building is so beautiful, and even more beautiful at night where different colored lights interchanges to spotlight the hotel.
It was a dream came true for us... The first time we ever transited together in Dubai, we made a wish that one day we will visit the magnificent Burj Al Arab! We are so blessed and so thankful to Jesus for such a blessing!

Satisfied with the pictures we took there, we continued our journey to the next famous hotel The Atlantis at the famous Palm Island. Another magnificent place! Unbelievably beautiful... built on a man-made island, it was a tall-slim spectacular building! The road to and from it is right next to the sea... It's amazing how they built an island alone, but a magnificent hotel as well?! That's unbelievable!

Afterward, we went around the city, seeing the Dubai harbor before going back to our hotel, calling it a stop for the night.
The next day, we mainly stayed at the beach and the pool relaxing. One thing about their beach is that it is almost impossible to walk barefoot on the sand. It was so HOT that my feet felt burnt! Hence, we had to wear sandals... but the water was fresh and cool.
The most exciting thing for that day is that we were having a dinner-date! It was at The Observatory Restaurant, the highest restaurant in Dubai situated on the 52nd floor of our hotel. The view from the window, overlooking the marina and the city, is fabulous especially at night. The food and the service were superb; a bit expensive but worth the price. (well, it's absolutely cheap if compared to eating in a posh restaurant in the UK!) And we went back to our room feeling FULL!

It was a sad time to leave Dubai that night (our flight to Jakarta was at 4 a.m., so we left the hotel at 1 a.m.). We have not been to the desert nor some other places we'd love to visit... but that is a well-worth excuse to return to Dubai one day! We absolutely love our short holiday there! It was fun and beautiful!

Ps. More photos of our Dubai vacation are up on my facebook. Click on the pictures to see the larger versions of them.


  1. Wahh masuk Burj Al musti bayar yah ? ha22
    utung deh Nie , aku dah liat video yg dibuat my cousin waktu mrk stay there , kerenn boo .. sayang yah aku ndak dibawa kesono hua222
    aku perna post di Blog udah lama thn 2006

    semoga satu waktu aku jg bisa kesana yah ! Amin .

  2. Oh iya tuh makanan hmmm ngiler asli !

  3. Buset deh masuk aja bayar segitu?? Gilaaa... . Eh, katanya kamar di Burj Al Arab tuh kaya terbuat dari emas ya? Gilaaa, hahaha...

    Btw, kalo di Palm Islands gitu mah berfoto dengan background-nya kelihatan Palm Island kaya dari atas gitu bisa ga yah? Soalnya kan keren bgt tuh kalo keliatan dari atas, hehehe... :) Dubai emang gila deh arsitekturnya, maju bgt...

    Oya, katanya lagi dibangun menara Burj Dubai yang tingginya hampir 1 km?? Ada story ttg itu ga? hihihi, kayanya blum jadi juga sih menaranya...

  4. Nie
    g dah lupa mrk bayar brp , pas dikasih tau otak g ampe bingung kaliin kurs nya , ha222 rasanya puluhan jeti deh . gilee bener2 tuh anak !
    tapi asli keren , g aja termanga2 liatnya .
    satu lg mrk tinggal di Jumeirah htl itu juga bgs ! kata mrk mau kesono lagi tinggal di htl yg baru , dasar edan ! g koq ga dibawa yah ? hua222
    kamu enak Nie , dah pernah kesono ngiler aku he222 .
    doakan yah one day i'll be there ! Amin !

  5. Supir taxinya arab ato asia sih, mengingat petugas di airport yg rata2 asia.

  6. Since: Begitu ke bagian Imigrasi semua pada Arab dan galak2 plus serem2!!!
    Tapi begitu keluar imigrasi semuanya super friendly! Supir taxinya kebanyakan Arab & India.

  7. halo sista... pa kabar? jalan2 terus ya hehehe... menyenangkan :D oleh2 dunk hehehe

  8. meski mahal, masih lebih murah dbanding England yak itu makanan yg keliatannya yummy bener...

    jd pengen ke dubai


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