Lan's Update #4: I don't think I can be a nurse!

Hi all! Thanks a lot for keeping us in your mind and asking about how Lan is doing. He is much much better now and in the process of recovering. He is not in bed as much as last week and has started to do his daily routine again, except for going to office. I've told him to take it slow and easy...

Well, apparently being a nurse is such a DIFFICULT job! I am EXHAUSTED! Yep, he is recovering and I am going under... I'm lacking sleep and feeling drained. Above all, I feel like I am running low on patience... I find myself times and times again snapping at Lan, being mean, which is NOT a good thing. Gosh, all in all, I think I need a vacation - A MONTH of vacation - on the BED! LOL! I just hope Lan will keep getting better and no unpleasant surprise coming our way regarding his health.

That's life for me at the moment! Will try to post more often!

God bless you all!


  1. hahaha, apparently, no job is easy :)

    Hopefully Lan will be fully recovered really really soon :)

  2. itung2 belajar ngurus anak sher... hehe

  3. Sher, aku jg ga bisa jadi nurse yg baik; kalo dendi sakit aku malah ngomel2in dia. :P krn mesti ngerjain semuanya sendiri; sampe exhausted & malah ketularan sakit jadinya. Yg penting kamu jg take a good care of yourself, jadi ga ikut tepar ya. 'n i pray for Lan's speedy recovery as well. GBU

  4. haha.. bisa dimaklumi kok sher, emang ngurus orang sakit itu gak gampang, mesti extra sabaaaaar :)
    tapi sukurlah lan baekan, brarti lu sukses sher :D

  5. ha22 , emang ga mudah jadi nurse ..
    jadi butuh vacation 1 month ?? wkwkkk
    sukurlah Lan udah sembuh .

  6. Hi Sher, great to know that Lan is healing! Tetep semangat say, I'm sure Lan's getting better cus you're such a good nurse for him :)

  7. ternyata jaga orang sakit gak gampang yah.. Now i really think I owe my mom so much for those times when she patiently took care of me when i was sick.. :D


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