Almost ending...

Tomorrow I'll fly back to the 'war' zone... with a new strength and a refreshed heart to finish what I have to do.
Tomorrow I'll fly back to the arms that have been missing me a lot, the warm pair of arms that will never stop to protect and care for me.

I am in between happy and sad. Sometimes, I wish things will be simpler and something like this will never happen in my life... but there is no turning back. I have a husband that is waiting for me.

Anyhow, I had great time at home, all spent with my beloved family.

I am happy.


  1. wahh liburan tlah usai antara sedih n senang yah ? semoga tiba dgn selamat
    ga kerasa yah emang udah 3 minggu di Indo ? ga ke JKT ?

  2. hari ini puas2in makan lagi sher hehehe.. emang gua juga gitu kok kalo balik ke sini suka sedih ninggalin ortu, dukanya kalo tinggal jauh ya, apalagi elu jauh banget..

  3. sher,...sampe singapur jam 12 kan? kok aku cek gag ada pesawat jam segitu yah?
    tolong sms detail flight ke +65 92214717 yah, Sher....

  4. cepet bgt liburannya. :-) ditunggu foto2nya ya Sher. hehe..

  5. cepet amat yak dah balik? dah kangen lan nih? hehehehe :)

  6. Gak kerasa, Sher..tau tau dah balek lg

  7. cepat juga ya waktu berlalu. Tiba2 musti uda balik. Wedew....

  8. Semoga semangatnya masih tetap membara, untuk membereskan yang belum kelar ya, Sher. Tentunya setelah melepas rindu bersama Lan, hihihi...

    Go, Sherly, go!


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