Refreshing water for my thirsty soul...

For You are my lamp, O LORD;
The Lord shall enlighten my darkness.

For by You I can run against a troop;
By my God I can leap over a wall.

As for God, His way is perfect;
The word of the LORD is proven;
He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

For who is God, except the LORD?
And who is a rock, except our God?

God is my strenght and power, and He makes my way perfect.

2 Samuel 22: 29-33

Thank you, Lord, for a better day...
For lifting me up and being my strength.
As for the 'battle' today, let Your will be done.


  1. hore yang pertama

    god is so good to us ya?
    gimana examnya??

    miss u so much sist

  2. eh td malam kok aku mimpi elo ya ? haiyaaaa....ada2xaja

  3. on Christ the solid rock we will stand *delirious - solid rock* heheh btw ada link rss ga biar gw syndicated

  4. gimana ujiannya kak sher? aku yakin sukses besar. itu sajaknya bagus ya. aku aja jarang2 dapat pilihan kata yang tepat dan ngena ke hati orang. ini sajaknya untuk Tuhan Yesus pula, waduh aku aku makin susah buatnya, mesti doa dulu.

  5. hows life beibeh??

    hope all is good for you!

  6. Hello...sist...
    100% setuju...that's God is soooo Good to us...


  7. Gimana ujiannya Sher? moga sukses ya:) jgn pusing & kuatir, berdoa dan berusaha, pasti semuanya oke:)

    have a great day ya:) Tuhan memang baek:) GBU

  8. apa kabar non? have a lovely weekend xoxo

  9. msh ujian ya say?
    good luck yaa..
    mizz u..

  10. asyiikk dah balik lagi ^^, hehehe udah gak hiatus lagi ^^

  11. pa kabar sher?
    Tuhan selalu beri berkat melimpah ya?


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