Till I post again...

I think it's better to let you guys know, rather than just gone missing with no news what so ever... I will be hiatus for an indefinite time (at the most until I finish my dissertation and fly home).

Right now, I have so many things to do and think about. So, I guess, it is better if I focus on the more important things, first.

Until then, God bless you all!

Pretty boy - M2M

I lie awake at night
See things in black and white
I’ve only got you inside my mind
You know you have made me blind

I lie awake and pray
That you will look my way
I have all this longing in my heart
I knew it right from the start

Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
Like I never ever loved no one before you
Pretty pretty boy of mine
Just tell me you love me too
Oh my pretty pretty boy
I need you
Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
Let me inside
Make me stay right beside you

I used to write your name
And put it in a frame
And sometime I think I hear you call
Right from my bedroom wall

You stay a little while
And touch me with your smile
And what can I say to make you mine
To reach out for you in time


Oh pretty boy
Say you love me too


  1. sukses selalu ce... :D

  2. Waa, mau hiatus ya??

    Jangan lama2 yah, he3.. :D Gud lak sama disertasinya...

  3. don't worry, hon...
    kita tetap setia menunggu postingan elo deh
    cia yo... ^_*

  4. Duh dah lama gak mampir ternyata dirimu mau hiatus...

    Goodluck ya Sher, buat disertasinya ... moga2 cepat selesai... oh ya mau mudik juga ya... met mudik. Lan gak ikut nih?

  5. Wahhh..
    mo hiatus ya....

    ya udah....
    sampai ketemu nanti ya.. :)

  6. Hiatus juga Sher? :)
    Refot mang ya kalo ada yg hrs di prioritaskan..sigh..gw ngalah gak ngeblog dulu berhubung refot jugaaa..:(

    Good luck ya :)

  7. gutlak tugas akhirnya ya sher.. smoga cepet slese..

    btw, templatenya romantis abissss..
    keren sher..

  8. yaaah sher, hiatus lagi kah? sibuk yaa .... met wiken aja yaa. take careee!

  9. yaaaahhh koq malah hiatus siy? saya khn br sempet mampir skr, n smpet kaget jg liat wajah baru blognya. huhuhu... yo wes kono, sukses dah yak! Gbu sist! :)

  10. Mat Hiatus, Shier..:)

    Semoga "deserterasi" cepat kelar :)

  11. Good days there, good friend! :-) miss you..

  12. Wah.... aku kangen M2M...
    sekarang tinggal si marion. yang satu lagi mana yah...

  13. met ngerjain desertasi ya say..
    moga" bs pulang k indo dg hasil memuaskan =)

  14. Semoga Sukses Sher ... ikut mendoakan dari sini :)

  15. yah yah yah spedaman baru mampir kok malah hiatus?
    tp klo pacarannya ga hiatus kan?:p

  16. it's ok sis kalo sekarang hiatus lagi... kita mendukung supaya disertasi kak sherly hasilnya ok. btw, tawaran kerja udah datang donk ya. JBU ya sis.

    PS: album barunya GMB bagus loh K'sher...

  17. wah....baru datang, ik sudah disuguhi kepergian dirimu mpok.....*buruan balik yach*


  18. aduh,
    kenapa hiatus...
    ditunggu kabar kembalinya dirimu ya sher...

  19. different colour
    new design
    same spirit.

    merdeka! :))


  20. merdeka kak sher!...
    kemaren di liverpool gak ikut panjat pinang? menang gak lomba makan krupuk?


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