Been a month

"Been a month already!" Lan said that to me in his email. I wonder which is the real reality; time flies or we've been apart too long? We miss each other terribly that we've gone through some sicknesses one after another.

The visa application has not given us a happy news. Instead, on Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 10.00 a.m., the British embassy requires me to attend an interview in Jakarta. So, here is an extra effort to get my visa. Please, dear friends, kindly pray for me and for this visa application that it will come out quickly.

Anyhow, being apart gives us many important lessons; about our feelings towards each other, the importance of each other's presence, the meaning of our marriage and many others. Being apart does not mean we don't grow, instead, it makes us much mature and gives us great understanding about our marriage. Thank you, Jesus, for allowing this to happen. I believe that You have a great plan for us. Amen!

OK, friends, that's all for now. God bless you!


  1. haha, menyebalkan bgt ya. Mo ketemu suami aja kesannya "dipersulit" sama bagian keimigrasian, ha3... :D

    uda, sabar aja. tar kan kalo ketemu jadi makin 'hot', ha3... :P becanda... :D

    eh, uda sebulan ya?? Cepet jg ya. Rasanya gimana tu?? :D Lan tinggal di Inggris??

  2. hope you will get the visa soon.
    and be united with lan.

  3. ya ampun...kenapa sih kok baru sebulan lagi...???dia ga tau apa penganten baru gitu lho....sabar sabar...mungkin lo mang dikasi waktu buat puas-2in ma kelg dulu ya...ntar-2, biar masi bisa kumpul ma kelg, laen lho klu uda ada suami.


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