Thank You, JESUS!
Update: I got my passport and visa now. However, my plan to fly to UK asap has to be postponed. For some reasons the British Embassy has given me a visa that will only be valid on 17 September 2007! That's a month from now...
Well, can't do much about that, except wait for another month. I am so sorry, honey...
That's the most important sentence that I should and have been saying these two days! Thanks also for all of your prayers, my dear friends.
As planned, I went for an interview to the British Embassy yesterday for my UK visa application at Floor 19th Deutsche Bank Building, Jl. Imam Bonjol, Jakarta at 10.00 a.m.
The interviewer was a very nice lady. She asked many questions, starting from my course title, Lan's details, future plans and the amount of funding available for my living costs during my study. Thanks Jesus for the extra calmness He gave me that I could answer each and every question correctly and comfortably. At the end of the interview, she told me that the visa should be issued and finished by today (Wednesday, 08 August 2007). However, because of the Pilkada (local province election in Jakarta), the sending of my passport and other documents have to be postponed another day because many companies are closed today.
The most important conclusion is: my UK visa is OUT!
Another good news that I received yesterday is that I got an e-mail from the UofL saying that I am successfully shortlisted for the Duncan Norman Scholarship, which, if I get it, will give me £20,000 each year for living costs. Isn't Jesus great? Definitely, HE IS! :)
The announcement of the final decision will be in early September, so, I will wait for the good news!
For now, I am already in joy because I know I will meet my dear husband soon! Yes, dear, I am taking the flight next week!
Once again, thank you very much, my dear friends, for the supports and prayers! God bless you abundantly in return!
Well, can't do much about that, except wait for another month. I am so sorry, honey...
That's the most important sentence that I should and have been saying these two days! Thanks also for all of your prayers, my dear friends.
As planned, I went for an interview to the British Embassy yesterday for my UK visa application at Floor 19th Deutsche Bank Building, Jl. Imam Bonjol, Jakarta at 10.00 a.m.
The interviewer was a very nice lady. She asked many questions, starting from my course title, Lan's details, future plans and the amount of funding available for my living costs during my study. Thanks Jesus for the extra calmness He gave me that I could answer each and every question correctly and comfortably. At the end of the interview, she told me that the visa should be issued and finished by today (Wednesday, 08 August 2007). However, because of the Pilkada (local province election in Jakarta), the sending of my passport and other documents have to be postponed another day because many companies are closed today.
The most important conclusion is: my UK visa is OUT!
Another good news that I received yesterday is that I got an e-mail from the UofL saying that I am successfully shortlisted for the Duncan Norman Scholarship, which, if I get it, will give me £20,000 each year for living costs. Isn't Jesus great? Definitely, HE IS! :)
The announcement of the final decision will be in early September, so, I will wait for the good news!
For now, I am already in joy because I know I will meet my dear husband soon! Yes, dear, I am taking the flight next week!
Once again, thank you very much, my dear friends, for the supports and prayers! God bless you abundantly in return!
congratz yach, sis. yes God is good :).. wah so quick u going to UK next week... n meet ur lovely husband. once again, congratz... yach... GBU
ReplyDeletewah... congrats ya..
ReplyDeletebentar lagi ketemu Lan donk.
Congratz yah!! Minggu depan dah di Inggris lagi dong, he3... :D
ReplyDeletecongrats ya...deu yg mo ktmu hubby...send my regards to Lan ya ...
ReplyDeletehaiyaaa....suenengnya bisa ngumpul ama swami...
ReplyDeletemet wiken Sher!
haha, tampaknya masih diberi halangan sebulan yah, gpp deh, Sabarrr. Ntar kan ketemuannya malah makin mesra, wakakakakaka... lol
ReplyDeleteakhirna bentar lg ngumpul ma misua, duh cenengna:D
ReplyDeletetp sebel ah k jkt g ngasih kbr :(
Aku menyadari dlm kterbatasanku sbg manusia biasa yg tanpa Tuhan maka aku bukan apa2. Dlm hidup ini ada titik dimana kita ngerasa sendirian atau ditinggalkan.
ReplyDeleteKeputusan keliru yg kuambil itu sbenarnya kputusan imanku. Aku memutuskan utk menolak "berkat" itu karna aku tau pasti berkat itu akan memutuskan hubunganku dgn Tuhan Yesus. Aku gak mau itu. Jadi aku bertekad utk memperoleh berkat lain yg terbaik tanpa pertolongan manusia, hanya uluran tanganNya yg kuandalkan. Tapi ya itu tadi, aku tertekan kondisi yg teramat berat utk disampaikan by words. Sangat buntu dan hampir tak terlihat adanya jalan keluar. Yah.. Meskipun perkataanku terkesan maksa,tapi itu harus aku katakan supaya nggak timbul kepahitan dlm hati. Aneh skali,kalo aku muji Dia dgn kata2 manis tapi hati mendongkol. Ini efektif skali, makanya aku gak kecewa ke Dia. Gimana mengungkapkannya ya kak?... Aku sbenernya bukan tipe orang matre yg ngikut Tuhan hanya karna mau berkat dan mujizat, dan jg nggak butuh berkat melimpah. Tapi di titik ini, aku bener2 butuh yg namanya mujizat. Sehari2, hidupku memang berat (gak semua ditulis di blog) dan nggak dikasih pertolongan instan aka mujizat jg gakpapa. Tapi ini... Dari dasar hati terdalam, God now I really need Your miracles.
No matta what people say,aku udah mantap. Keputusan yg dianggap salah itu pasti nanti berbuah kemenangan. Walopun aku merasa gak sabar karna tekanan ini kelewat berat.
Kak sherly pernah merhatiin gak? Kalo biasanya aku posting ttg hal2 yg suram, gak lama kemudian pasti ada posting kemenangan :) imanku, gak lama lagi Tuhan pasti ngasih jawaban dlm bentuk yg kuduga.
kayak lagunya Ko Jeffry S. Tjandra, "ku tak akan menyerah pada apapun juga... Tetapi ku berserah kepada kehendakNya. Hatiku percaya, Tuhan punya rencana..."
so, i just can say this: Have Your way. Jadilah kehendakMu ya Bapa, jangan kehendakku walopun aku punya keinginan lain. Banyak rencana dlm hati manusia,tapi kehendak Tuhanlah yg terlaksana. And I won't let satan steal my joy.
Makasih banyak utk masukannya kak sherly. Gak sakit hati ato marah koq, aku udah nganggap kak sherly tuh kakak rohaniku. Jadi aku terima dgn senang hati tiap nasehatnya (ku jg sadar konsekuensi postinganku, mungkin aja ada kawan yg kecewa padaku. But, i'm only human, gak perfect. Hanya Tuhan yg sempurna). I really, really appreciate it. Thanx :)
mudah2an kabar gembira nya berjangka panjang ya.. hehe..