My latest news

Long time no update, Anita asked me why, hehehe... I've been unwell and busy lately.
The maid has gone home for two weeks, so... *if you can guess right* I am her replacement. Well, not 100% replacing her, otherwise, I will be lying on the hospital's bed. Mum and I work together, although, for the last two days, I had to force myself to get out of bed and forget the painful headaches on my head.
I've been sick for 2 weeks, now. My nose can't breath and, most of the time, it affects my ears, I can't hear *sob*, then, the headache follows. Sometimes, it is really painful that I feel like fainting, it's like there are many nails going through my head. I went to the doctor, yesterday, but he said I'm OK (really?!). I left the doctor with disbelief and complaint for such an expensive cost. He's really making money, isn't he?!

Well, that's all I have for now. I am very tired and thinking of having an early night. Tomorrow awaits with its business of cleaning, wiping, sweeping, mopping and many more... The good thing is that this really prepares me before I leave for Liverpool and become the real housewife hehehe...

Until the next post, God bless you all! :)

3 weeks and 2 days left...


  1. wah sist... moga2 cepat sembuh ya... anyway, gimana rasanya jadi housewife? hehehe

  2. cepet sembuh yach... kan bentar lagi mau ketemu ma hubby.. met wiken... n GBU

  3. alo Sherly, pa kbar??, oalah kmu dah merried to...slamat ya Sher, smoga mjd keluarga yg bahagia n' langgeng trs ampe' till the end...maaf ya aku gak pernah kesini, jd gak tau updatenya..*dasar*...

    btw smoga cepet sembuh ya say..

  4. wah dah ga sabar ya Sher?

    duh temen2 juga banyak yg dah nikah nih..
    jadi pengen:p

  5. Dear,

    May things go well with you in times ahead.. I guess being reliant when the maid is away would make you a reliable source of help :D

    It's been a while, I know.. but I've never forgotten you..

    Hugs and kisses from West Africa.

    PS: My other updates are at

  6. wah, cepet sembuh yah.... . kecapean tuh kali...

    tapi rencana ke inggris tetep jalan dong?? ha3... :)

  7. Gapapa Sher, itung2 latihan jadi housewife di sini dulu sebelum terjun ke medan sebenarnya di Liverpool ghehehe. Cepet sembuh ya

  8. halo Sherly...udah lama aku gak baca2 disini. pertama2 thank you atas kunjunganmu lagi ke blogku :D masih inget ya Sher?
    kedua, aku ucapin selamat berbahagia atas perkawinanmu...aku baca kilat hari ini cerita2mu dan jg liat foto2 di multiply. keliatan sekali kamu bahagia sekali! ;D mudah2an hidupmu langgeng dg Lan...

  9. kamu ke dokter apa ? ENT apa umum ? sebel emang wong kita udha sekarat, dibilang gak papa. ngeceknya cuma dipandang pandang doank, mana dia tau !

  10. gimana rasanya jadi housewife :D

  11. semoga cepat sembuh ya sher...emang ini latihan untuk nanti waktu ngejalanin jadi housewife...tapi tenang aja semuanya enjoyable kok ^^

  12. september sebentar lagi loh sher... ayo, ayo, cepet sembuh. harus sehat hat hat hat... pan mau ketemu si jantung hati:-)

  13. sher, akhirnya... update juga, piye dokter e? mahal ya? lah terus katanya kenapa? sakit malarindu kali.. mending ama dokter Anita aja dah, ga bayar tapi sembuh :P

    kita terusin di email yahhhhhh...... nikmatin dulu wiping, cleaning, washing dsbnya.... dan welcome to my world *_"

    Aiko's Mom a.k.a Anita

  14. Aloww .. udah sembuh belum? Rupanya u masih terpisah gara2 visa? Kapan bisa kumpul2? Pasti kangen abizz yah :)

  15. kecapekan kali Sher ampe jatuh sakit, banyak bener keluhannya....moga cepet pulih ya...GBU, too....

  16. sHER, semoga semuanya lancar yah..cepat ketemuan sama hubby, you pasti kangen habis yah Say, merit belum sebelum sudah pisahan lagi, hiks.

    Duh sher sharing dong, habis merit tuh gimana, serem ngak>>>kalau serem jgn cerita, kalo enak bilang2 yah, biar aku cepat nyusul gitu...

    Duhhh kapan yah giliran aku:)


  17. Hehe, mungkin skrg lagi musim sakit, kak. Daku juga lagi uhuk uhuk hachi hachi. Di sekitar jg orang2 lg sakit.

    Oia, kalo aq udah berani publish post kayak kemarin, artinya I'm UP again. Thank u 4 everything... JBU!

  18. uda smbuh belon sher.... smoga cepet sembuh yah!!!

    3 more weeks!! bntar banged lagi hehe

  19. walah enak banget yak lagi sakit kudu kerja. Kadang, gw klu lagi ga ada orang gitu, pengennya emang tidurrrrr aja deh,mimpi bangun-2 semua uda beres, hihihi


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