Is it about life, pain or comfort?

Two nights ago, I was going through the TV's channels until I was stuck to this one particular program named "Dispatched: Abortion, what you need to know". Apparently, UK government legally allows abortion in this country, as long as the pregnancy has not reached the 24th week. The reason is that: the scientific study shows that the fetus (baby in the womb) can only start to feel pain in the 24th week, where the brain is fully developed.
Some agree with the 'law' and feel comfortable to carry on the abortion activities in their clinics/hospitals, thinking that as long as the fetus cannot feel pain, they are not 'fully' alive. Not all agree for the same reason. One lady that spoke in the programme, said that we should make abortion legal in the thoughts of the women; What if they are not ready? What if pregnancy and baby become obstacle to their future? And many more what ifs...
Some, clearly, disagree to making abortion as legal. One argument is that premature babies (even the ones younger than 24 weeks) can feel pain and, thus, it clearly shows that fetus, no matter how old it is, can feel pain. Another talks about religion, humanity and cruelty.

To those who agree, I really have a disturbing question... 'Isn't abortion equal to murder?'
They never ask to be created and, if they can choose, would prefer not to come to this cruel world. As humans should know that everything we do (or decide to do) results consequences to follow the decision, then women (and men, too!) should know that whatever type of sex they have can lead to the possibility of being pregnant.
So, why, after taking the decision (and probably enjoying it at that time being), they cannot face the consequence it brings? It makes me think how coward are people in this world today, how cruel and selfish humans can be...

Well, it will not be surprising if there is any of you that disagree with my beliefs. Please don't get mad at me. Take this as a someone's opinion out of billions of opinions of the world.

God bless!

Image's credit to: poivre @ deviantART.

Just received the news that I didn't get the £20,000 scholarship award. I am feeling sad for a bit, but thank Jesus that this means He has prepared bigger blessings for me and Lan.
Have a blessed weekend, friends!


  1. haha, aku sih nggak setuju sama aborsi. Itu berarti para pelaku aborsi kan menolak untuk bertanggung-jawab atas perbuatannya. Berani berbuat harus berani bertanggung-jawab dong. Kalo misalnya nggak siap punya anak, ngapain jg have sex yang potensinya gede untuk kebobolan?? hahahaha.... :)

    btw, ngomongin anak apa jangan2 bentar lagi "berisi" neh?? huahahahhaha.... lol

  2. haha, aku sih nggak setuju sama aborsi. Itu berarti para pelaku aborsi kan menolak untuk bertanggung-jawab atas perbuatannya. Berani berbuat harus berani bertanggung-jawab dong. Kalo misalnya nggak siap punya anak, ngapain jg have sex yang potensinya gede untuk kebobolan?? hahahaha.... :)

    btw, ngomongin anak apa jangan2 bentar lagi "berisi" neh?? huahahahhaha...... lol

  3. tergantung alesannya...kalo janinnya gak berkembang dan terpaksa dikuret, ya apa boleh buat.

  4. Seandainya hidup itu bisa digolongkan dalam dalam hitam atau putih... Tapi dalam hidup itu ada banyak warna.. ada banyak kejadian...

  5. jgn kuatir, masih banyak kesempatan lain kok sher...

  6. setauku disini masih illegal, tapi untuk case² tertentu diberi keputusan untuk abortus, contoh seperti kasusku dulu, fetus tak berkembang :(sedih...

    so piye, kamu dah tes? gimana hasilnya... let me know ya...

    test pack mahal sher? perasaan disini biasa sher, ada yang 3€-an...


  7. yah aborsi sih liat dulu alasannya kenapa... kalo hanya karna tidak berani bertanggung jawab atas apa yang udah dilakuin yah gak setubuh.. eh setuju... tapi kalo misalnya ada kelainan.. ama janin atau mungkin trauma karna janin adalah hasil dari suatu keterpaksaan ( kasus perkosaan misalnya ) mungkin itu bisa dijadikan pengecualian..


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