Tummy ache: baby or ...?

Since we don't really plan to have baby yet for now, the stomach ache I had last week was quite worrying both of us. Lan really got cold sweat when I started to say "Maybe... I am really preg..." I did not even get the chance to finish the sentence, he stopped me right away. Heheh...
Well, a number of people do ask me about the 'good' news and even suggest me to buy a testpack. Thank you very much for being so caring. :) Even my mother asked me the same question. But, the answer is... not yet. Sorry to disappoint you, friends, but I am not pregnant at the moment.
Why am I so sure? Because my monthly guest has arrived! *yey!*

Well, it is not we do not want to have baby. It is just that we are not ready yet and, more importantly, we do not have a stable income for now. We depend on our scholarships of our study at the moment and for the next 3 years. So, I don't think it is really wise to have baby now and, thus, we are postponing it for the time being until we feel that we are stable enough to be able to pay the expense and living cost of the new member of the family. :)


  1. hahaha, gapapa deh... :D Kalo gitu pake KB aja tu, wakakakaka... . Kan jadi mengurangi resiko kebobolan selama 3 tahun ini, hehehe (sok tau).

    Padahal kemarin kirain udah "berisi" tuh, hahaha...

  2. Wealaaah...minum pil ato minta suntik KB aja Sher, daripada tiap bulan deg2an mlulu...*cuman saran loh ya*...

  3. (waduh, zilko nih, obrolan soal begini lancar .. hihihihi)

    Sher, mending pake sistem kalender? ampuh ngga kira2? hihihi ...

    aku kirim email nanti ya sher :)

  4. kalo ada kabar, kasitau sama kita2. siapa tau bisa bantu beri nama nantinya :D

  5. :) i wish u all the best non
    sgalal keputusan yg diambil jgn lupakan tuhan ya?

  6. yah...padahal punya anak itukan anugerah. jgn ditunda2 lho kl soal anak.

    ntar waktu udah pengen susah kesampaiannya.biasa aja, jgn ditunda2.

  7. akhirnya.. tamu langganan berkunjung lagi ya sher ;)

    btw, kamu ga ol ya? ada cerita lucu sher...

  8. hehe.. yg benerr.. ga siap??
    *inget ceting dulu itu.*

  9. Hmmm if that's the reason then it's fair enough hehe. As long as you use the 'pengaman' ^ ^

  10. sakit perutnya uda sembuh belon say??

  11. hahahahah... klao wis isi brarti rejekimu akan dilipatgandain oleh Tuhan:)

  12. trus sakit perut kemaren itu karena mau datang ya ?

  13. I see..
    Postponing is a wise decision for both of you now. But to have a baby, isn't it a gift from god?


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