Sweet evening

No special plan we had yesterday evening. Suddenly, Lan proposed a plan for a dinner somewhere in the city center after the office hour. Hence, we went to Bella Italia for such a nice dinner.
When we got there, we were said that the restaurant is fully booked, however, the manager was kind enough to give us a table for an hour. So, when we got to our table, Lan suddenly pulled out something from his jacket, it is the toblerone rose chocolate. He said, no need for a fresh rose, this rose you can keep forever. Such a sweet surprise, honey! How thoughtful you are!
I am a big fans of chocolate, so, I was very happy! We ate it together when we got home and I get to keep the 'rose'.

How about your yesterday, friends? Was it special too? :)


  1. gw jg pecinta sejati coklat ;)

    udah gw ceritain di blog gw tuuuwww ahahahahh..

  2. Sherlyyy happy Valentine yaaa, romantis bener siii kalian. I'd prefer chocolate than roses but any combination of the two would be more than perfect (maruk! lol)

  3. masih inget aku gak sher?

  4. happy weekend ya, sist *mwah* hehehe. kapan ya qta bisa ketemu? *halah, teh :P*

  5. pasti diceritain kok tp ntar coz lagi blum ada wkt buat update hehe... wah seru skali vlentine dinnernya :)

  6. di sini aja, blog ku ilang gara² tak pindah ke hosting jadinya aku mutung ... hahahaaha

  7. hihihi sama tuh ama si mpok yulia. penggemar cokelat.

    aku cuma dinner di rest romantis di anacortes sini

  8. Mau dong, cokelat..... :-(

    hehehe... Sher, have blessed moment with your husband ever, ya, say! ;-)

  9. kalo buat aku tanggal 14 februari itu = hari kamis biasa aja. tapi kalo urusan coklat sih hayuk ajah! :D

  10. dalem banget...

  11. wow...romantis sekali...
    suprise dari lan OK juga yaa...coklat dan rose sekalian...hehehehe...good idea...

    emang valentines kudu dirayain...dulu kita rayain bedua...skrg betiga deh...hehehehehe...ntar sampe ber-6 juga tetep aja dirayain...hehehehehe...

  12. wiih.. penggemar cokelat juga ya? bener2 malam yg manis dalam arti sebenarnya :D

  13. Wah, perhatian dan romantis bangeeet! :-)

  14. Lan romantis euy...;)
    Kenzo seger...hihihi...banyak juga ya yang suka.


  15. waaaa, coklatnya banyak bener dari Lan :)
    Met valentine ya Sher Pasti dinnernya romantis sekali

  16. mau doooong =P~ *sluurp*

  17. romantisnyaaaaaaaaa.

    aku sama suami sama-sama lupa sama hari Valentine. karena yang kita inget2 terus itu selalu Seminggu setelahnya, hahahahaha.

  18. oiyah happy belated vals day ya nie :D
    pa kabar nih?

  19. wuaaaahhh how sweeettttt... gw juga doyan coklat..sini bagi2 donkkk hehehe :)

    btw happy valentine yak biarpun telat.. :)

  20. "...this rose you can keep forever" klo coklatnya dimakan yo podo wae ilang wis ora ono sher masuk perut :p

    "...How about my yesterday ? it was special too ?"

    Oh jelas dong, very special. Gw mo dinner jg, namun ternyata udah penuh and g bisa dijamin klo ada tempat kosong kapan.

    Ya udah mau gmau cr tempat makan laen. Kebetulan disini lg musim hujan byk genangan aer dimana-mana, udah warnanya coklat plus lumpur.

    Lagi asyik2xnya cari tempat makanan suddenly ada mobil lewat, Ceprroott, kena itu aer lumpur ke baju. Wooww... such a sweet surprise, honey! How thoughtful you are!

    No need for a fresh water, this water i can keep forever on my clothes.



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