Lan's poster day

Friday, 07 March 2008, is Lan's poster day. Every PhD student in his/her second year has to make an A0 poster that explains the research topic that they are studying. The criteria is to make sure people of other educational background can easily understand the poster as well as can grasp the idea of the student's research. So tricky!

Well, here is a photo of Lan with his poster! I am very proud of him! His poster caught a lot of attentions; many people came to ask him about his PhD project and very impressed with the poster.
He said it was a very tiring day. He had to stand all the time from 09.00 am to 15.00 pm, the good thing is that the university actually provided lunch for those participating students!
Next year will be my turn to do it... And I am trying to think in advance about what would I do hihihi....

Moving on... As you all know, we are going to Beijing for the Easter holiday. It's 8 days to go! I have mixed feelings about it... Excited, nervous and happy.
Excited, it's my first time to go to Beijing.
Nervous, it's my FIRST time to meet my parents-in-law and Lan's family!
Happy, I am going with my husband! Nothing to worry about...
We already have our biggest suitcase full of gifts that we prepared for Lan's family. So, we are -sort of- ready to go, just need to pack some clothes and that's it. Lan is extremely excited already that he can hardly sleep at nights! Papa and Mama (my parents-in-law) are also excited, they are like cat and dog wanting to plan this and that for both of us. (Thank you, Pa and Ma, for being so excited to see me!)
Papi and Mami (my parents) keep telling me to be a good wife and daughter-in-law; show my respect to Lan's family, be polite and so on and so on.

Ah... finally I am 'entering' my husband's family!!!!! Jesus be my guide!


  1. wah, presentasi itu sampe 6 jam?? Waaa, serem juga yah 6 jam gitu berdiri ditanya2in, presentasi lg, hummm

    btw, A0 apaan sih? Itu posternya berupa poster kertas gitu apa slide show pake komputer?? Hmmm.. .

    wah, senangnya yang maw ke Beijing, hehehe....:) Naik pesawat apa tuh? :D

  2. Tentu aja bangga donk ama misua sendiri...

    Met jalan ya ke Beijing, sekalian bulan madu nih Sher?

    btw, enak bener bisa chatting ama Mami...misua yang belanja, hehehe....


  3. wuaaaah...congratz yak.. posternya keliatan keren... sip deh..ditunggu kejutan dari nie taon depan yak.. :)

    duhhh yang mo ketemuan.. hehehe :) ditunggu yak cerita2 dan oleh2nya juga... :) mo foto pra wedding lage kan? hehehe nanti di share yak ke sini.. :)

  4. dari jam 9-3 berdiri gak duduk ? wow

    wah berdebar debar nih pasti yak..seminggu lagi ke beijing

  5. hehe... dag dig dug ya, sher.
    pgn tau jg apakah ortu mertua dari negeri china py kemiripan dg indo dlm berhaddapan dg anak mantu.
    mungkin berbeda jauh dg eropa ya.

  6. Hm... seems the poster is very informative, just wonder someday i want to create a poster of education or a research project but designed in commercial style.

    Well, enjoy your trip and "meeting the parent"

  7. Wa... mo ke Beijing ketemu parents in law? wa.. have fun yah disana.. gud luck sis..

  8. oalah.. baru tahu kalo sherly lagi kuliah. jadi tambah semangat dong, belajar bareng2 suami :) btw, mau ketemu mertua, pake deg2an nggak? ;)

  9. itu Lan, research nya tentang apa sherly kalo boleh tahu, bagus juga ya, mesti bisa jelaskan ke orang awam tentang your project. btw, enjoy your trip dear, ttdj, ati ati di jalan :)

  10. congratz ya lan posternya menarik perhatian, ga sia-sia ngerjain..jurusan apa sih sher?

    ya ampun cepet bgt yak tau-tau bentar lg ke beijing, met mudik deh ya..titi dj


  11. di zoomin dung posternya. Keknya emang menarik tuh...ttg apa ? btw, aduh asik d ktmu mertua. Kbyang ortumu sibuk pesen ini itu, aku ketawa mbayanginnya...ati-2 ya...n have a nice days...

  12. wah hebatnya suaminya. Jelas bangga dong Sherly!

    Baru pertama kali mo ketemu mertua? aihhh..nervous dong ;)
    Sukses ya Sher!

  13. Mestinya posternya kamu close up juga Sher.
    Doh.... tu tambur kedengeran sampe ke sini lho... deg...deg...deg...deg...deg... ;)

  14. Gambar presentasinya menarik, hihihi, nggak heran banyak yang tertarik buat mendekat.

    Selamat ya, buat Lan!

    Nggak sabar buat baca cerita kamu tentang liburan Paskah, dan juga semoga semuanya berjalan lancar di sana! :-D

  15. wish u all luck and success in meeting with your 'new' family yaaah!!!...eniwei..may i ask u 1 question??how does it feels like being married in such young age?? :)

  16. Banggalah, wong bagus gitu ;)

    Jd lo thn depan ya Sherl? jgn lufa di abadikan yak.

    Emang dag dig dug serrrrr ya jeng, takut salah2 ngomong gak lo? ahahahahahh..santai aja tabiat anak biasanya nurun dr ortu ;)

  17. Bro Lan jurusan arsitektur ya? Kalo gak salah... :)
    Bagus tuh kak kalo udah mikirin jauh hari mau ngerjain proyek PhD-nya.

    Blessed you are, sis. :D

  18. Hola sista. Im happy for u too.
    No wonder if ur parent-in-law being so excited to meet u as well as having you as their daughter-in-law.

    And congrats for Lan.

    Excited, nervous and happy.. i miss those feeling.

    Oh well, u really make me jealous, sis ;-)

    Meet me at my new place ya. GBU

  19. Hayo.. bersiap-siap ketemu sodara2-nya dari misua! hehehe.. tenang saja, Sher. Everything's gonna be allright. Trust Jesus! ;-)
    Btw, congratulation for Lan's poster, yaa.. :-)

  20. Kayaknya keren tuh poster. Bisa ditampilin ukuran yg lbh gede ga? ga usa terlalu gede, pake width 400 juga uda cukup.

    Good luck ketemu mertua ya! SEMANGAT! :)

  21. walah, mo pergi lagi?? salam buat mertua deh :D

  22. Sounds like fun, sis, making a poster about your research. Did Lan draw all that? He's GOOD!

    I thought Lan's parents came to your wedding in Bali... If I were you I would be real nervous as well! I hope you're gonna enjoy your time in Beijing and have fun!

    How long are you gonna be there? Do you think you're still gonna have time to go online?

  23. have safe flight to beijing dan tentunya have fun ya..
    Keren designnya.. Dan informatif juga dialognya.. top!
    Dirimu bantu design jugakah?

  24. Congrats buat Lan yaaa...all the best for u for next year...hehehehe...

    Have a wonderful trip to beijing ya sher...i'm's gonna be awesome...

  25. finally ya sher. duh senengnyaaa. moga2 acara meet the parents-nya bikin punya ortu dobel2 dan hepi. :)

  26. beijing lagi spring yah?? wheew pastina bagus pemandanganna yahhhh


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