Missed my honey so much!

Hi all! I arrived back midnight and still feel as if all my bones are broken! Moreover, I miss my honey bunny hubby so muchhhh!!!
I had good time visiting my brother, Brighton has not changed much, but, being with Erwin is something priceless; we are good friends. :) One particular night he said to me, "Do you realise that you are married so young? Too young even?" It reminded me when my parents told me that Erwin could not believe the news of our wedding last year. Somehow, I realise, maybe he is afraid of losing me as his sister, maybe the thought that I will follow my husband wherever he goes haunts him somehow.
Well, I love him as much, nothing is subtracted, I still cried when I said good-bye to him yesterday and praise Jesus that Lan also loves him as his own brother, really cares about him.

One thing surely changes, though, he is a big boy now. My brother is growing up to a man and I am thanking God for it. We are all growing up...
Well, I did not bring my camera to Brighton and just could not be bothered to take photos, since everything is still the way it is! But, if anyone would like to see some of photos from Brighton, you can see it in HERE, it's a collection of photos when I went there the first time.

Now, I am so glad to be home! I missed Lan so much that I had to ring him everyday, making sure he is OK and so on and so on... And thank God, he kept the house tidy and clean! He even waited for me in the train station although it was cold and snowy. Thank you, honey!
Ah... I am back to where I am supposed to be now. Tomorrow back to work again, today I am resting.


  1. oohh welcome back sher, pasti gi kangen²an nih sama lan skg, hihihih..

    Untung ortu kamu anaknya 4 ya, jd msh ada yg nemenin, coba klo cuma kamu sama erwin aja, huhuhu sepi deh berduaan di rumah..

    url baru ga ketebak yaaak, ntar aku bisikinn deeeehh..silakan kangen²an duluuuu, hihihih


  2. Sher, I somehow feel you about this post cus it reminds me of my brother who's gonna leave us next month to some place far far far away... I can't imagine living continents apart from him for a long time since we're used to be close to each other everyday.

    I'm glad that you got the chance to see your brother and that you both had a good time :) Btw, Lan can be a sweet Suzy homemaker while you're away yah ternyata heehe

  3. haha, welcome back to kehidupan normal deh, hahahaa... (waa, uda mau ujian ni, tp uda pengen liburan aja bawaannya, hahaha... :D)

    hmmm, iya jg sih, pasti sedih jg ya berpikir kaya gitu, hmmmm

  4. wah, bersyukur banget dong Sher, bisa akrab bgt sama sodara. Aku juga gitu, pdhl duluuu waktu masih SD suka berantem, hehe..

  5. gangguin yg gi kangen2 an ah...ikutan ndusel yaaaaa

  6. hehehehe welcome back.. duh yang kangen ama suamiii.. hehehe :)

  7. Wah, dijemput di stasiun? :-D

    Jauh lebih romantis daripada menemukan dia tertidur di rumah, ya? Hihihi...

    Selamat melepas kangen! :-D

  8. emang keluarga nr satu sherl ;)

    asik ya punya misua yg bisa juga ngurus rumah hehehehehh, Maik jg hebring dah suka bantu2 gw :)


  9. hehe emang seru ya pake dijemput segala... kebayang salju gitu, pelukan....jadi inget film korea kekeke

  10. Pastinya seneng banget yah sekarang? hehehe. Dijemput pula.. so sweet..

  11. 'too young to be married??' itu hanya ketakutan semata kehilangan org yg disayangi.... aaah...selalu terbawa ke situasi sentimentil klo menyangkut young marriage... ;)

  12. waaah langsung kangen kangenan donk ama misua hehhehe

    thumbs up buat lan..ngebrsihin rumah hehee

  13. wah ini mah lagi sakit malarindu hehehee... suami bisa ngurus rumah, bisa masak g sher ? lebih afdol lagi bisa mijit jadi klo kayak sekarang badan pegel linu ditambah kangen berat ama misua begitu ketemu lgs terobati semua :p

  14. Doooo....yang lagi kangen2an ama misua...gak mau ganggu lama2 deh! *wink*...

    Thx ucapannya Sher, biasalah kalo winter mesti pada kena flu.

  15. Akh, you make me missing my siblings, kak sher... Cuma iso telpon2an.

    It's good to know that your husband and Erwin are good friends.

    Btw, thank you kak sher utk best wishesnya.

    Plis prayer for me ya. JBU...

  16. Wa.. mank selalu seneng yah kalo misalnya punya brother yang deket banget sama kita.. :) rasanya tuh secure, bisa diajak ngapain aja, ngobrolin apa aja plus kasi banyak masukan",apalagi kalo orangnya protective.. hehe.. I know what it feels like :D

  17. Wa.. mank selalu seneng yah kalo misalnya punya brother yang deket banget sama kita.. :) rasanya tuh secure, bisa diajak ngapain aja, ngobrolin apa aja plus kasi banyak masukan",apalagi kalo orangnya protective.. hehe.. I know what it feels like :D


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