"Honey, I have a heart attack!"

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Hehehehe... there is a funny story I'd like to share to you. Yesterday, after having a weekly conversation with Papa Mama (my parents-in-law) through Skype, Lan told me this...
Papa Mama are so excited that we are coming home on Wednesday, so much that they cannot sleep properly! In the middle of their excitement, Papa suddenly said to Mama, "Honey, let's go to the hospital! I think I have a heart attack!" And so they begun to pack some clothes for Papa, in case he needs to stay in. While rushing off like that, Papa started to tell Mama about his secret savings, etc. "Just in case something happens," he said.

And so I was puzzled. I commented, "if he really had a heart attack, would he be capable of saying 'he has a heart attack'?" Lan laughed.
He told me that Papa realised, after they finished packing, he was just being too excited that he said silly things! Hahaha... When Mama told Lan about it, she said, "Well, at least, now I know where the secret hideaways are!"

Somehow, they are incredibly excited to see us and, to me, it gives a positive feeling that they are really accepting me as their own daughter. And now, I cannot wait, just want to get on the plane and fly to meet them. :)


  1. you're lucky. you have lovely parent in law.

    i believe you can't wait their exciting expressions..!

  2. Haha... Your parents-in-law are so funny ^__^ If I have parents-in-law like you have, I will definitely be as excited as you are. Enjoy your time there ya Sher... Wah, jadi gak bisa hunting eggs di fluff book lagi donk Sher... :p 150 eggs in one day? OMG...

  3. huhuhu pengen punya mertua juga....my mertua udah passed away dua duanya. sedih.com

  4. hahahahaha gpp donk mama-nya jadi tau rahasia hehehe :)

    lucu juga yak...aku bacanya juga ketawa.. wuah dah pada ga sabar nih ketemu kamu nie.. hayoo..semangat! :)

    apa nanti camer ku juga excited begitu yak ketemu aku? hahahaha *ngarep*

  5. Seneng jadi orang yang di terima oleh orang lain ya, selamat ya Sher ...

    Btw heart attack itu serangan jantung apa serangan hati, terus bedanya heart - jantung dan heart - hati apa ya ... ? padahal jantung tidak sama dengan hati, alah .....

  6. hihihihihii lucu banget sih mertua lo Sherl. Ih pengen banget punya mertua kek gitu..hiks..sayang di sayang..

  7. Hihihi, yang santai dan semangat ya, Sher! Mertua kamu sayang kamu apa adanya gitu. :-D

    Hari Rabu, wah...tinggal 2 hari lagi! Have a good flight and a great journey!

  8. Sherly, bagi email elo dunk biar gw ksh password bakal masup postingan gw yg gw kunci.

    Thx ya jeng :)

  9. hihihihihihi...lucu juga yaaaa...perjalanan jadi 'ringan' deh klo tau mertua bgitu senangnya menyambut...

    have a nice trip yaaa..

  10. skrg aja mertua udh lucu..ntar kalo udh ketemu pasti lbh menyenangkan!

  11. hahahaha....

    excited sekaligus deg2an nih ya pastinya, hehehe

    good luck and have fun deh... :)

  12. hihihi... ada aja :D
    Have fun ya Sher!!! :)

  13. and u must be very lucky to have such a wonderful parents in law who loving u as much as their son!!!...

  14. Hahaha.. mertuamu kocak banget sis. Mana ada org kena serangan jantung dengan wajah sumringah :P
    Jadi kepengen punya mertua kyk gitu :)

  15. Hihihihi gokil juga ya Papa-nya Lan. Enjoy your vacation sis :D

  16. hehehe mertua kamu orang yang siap sedia ya...pake ada secret saving segala :)

  17. enak yah klo serangan jantung bikin seneng...eh..kebalik gak yah :D

    mom....mantumu comingggggg

  18. halo kak sher...

    heart attack? ah, jangan sampe kayak mendiang bapakku yang sakit jantung :D hahaha...

    have a nice trip! :)

  19. Sherly...
    so hows your father in law now? is he alright? i hope he's okey....

    anyway, happy easter ya darling...
    have a wonderful day with your family :)


  20. manten anyar kape posting males, kelon tok ae ... hehehe

  21. betapa beruntungnya dirimu, sist, punya mertua yang baik hati begitu hehehe...btw hati-hati di jalan yaaaa :)

  22. have a good day.

  23. met liburan ya, sher.

  24. waa lagi liburan. asyik banget... oleh2 panda yaa..hi..hi..

  25. Ikut seneng deh, Sher...ati2 yach di jalan.

  26. have a nice time with your parent in law Sher..., imagine how exciting they are...I think you will have a great -lovely- relationship with them

  27. Hi Sher...gimana di sana...seru ya pasti...ditunggu cerita2nya....

  28. Neng... kemana ajah niyyy... kok blum update2 yaaaa?????????

    Hopes you doin' well sist!

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