Argh... I am procrastinating!
Yeah... This week have been a procrastination week of me! I haven't done a single thing of what I am supposed to do and I am to meet my supervisors on Friday!
I keep wishing the week will go faster, I am on a holiday mode already!
I can hardly wait to go to Beijing! Despite the nerves and the thoughts of 'how am I going to communicate with my family-in-law', I really am looking forward to go...
Oh Lord, 5 days to go and yet I am being so impatient!
I keep wishing the week will go faster, I am on a holiday mode already!
I can hardly wait to go to Beijing! Despite the nerves and the thoughts of 'how am I going to communicate with my family-in-law', I really am looking forward to go...
Oh Lord, 5 days to go and yet I am being so impatient!
hahaha, udah mood liburan sih makanya jadi tak produktif, haha... . Apalagi kalo sampe udah excited banget tuh... . One thing I can say: you must really be so excited now, hehehe... :D
ReplyDeleteeh, sapa tau tu supervisor-nya ngerti uda mau liburan jadi ga usah ngumpul laporan minggu ini, wkwkwkw... (ngarep)
Nyebelin emang, tapi masih taraf wajar kok :)
ReplyDeleteLha aku sendiri 'gak ada urusan sama liburan, selama seminggu yl bener2 'gak ada mood ngolah urusan pe-er yg bejibun, ini sekarang baru gila-gilaan nyusun pe-ernya. Bah.
gesture language will work, Sher! ^^ Iya mood libur nya beralasan banget, wong blom pernah ketemuan toh.. ya pasti excited..
ReplyDeletehav fun ya..
procrastinate mah my middle name kekkekkekk
ReplyDeletekalo keluar negeri, 2 hari sebelum berangkat baru ngepack hehehe
klo aku paling mules2 aja :D
ReplyDeletewuaaa... dah ga sabar lage yak? sabarrrr.... jangan dag dig dug yaaak.. :)
ReplyDeletehaha. jd gimana nih hari ini, jd ketemu supervisor?? 3 more days to fly to Beijing! hah, gue ikutan excited :P. Met weekend jg say. sibuk packing lah ya weekend ini :P
ReplyDeleteSabar.. sabar... orang sabar disayang suami :p
ReplyDeleteYg penting kan liburan nanti bisa bebas tanpa beban.. yipiie!!!
Ini udh jumat nih, hehe..gimana tadi ketemu ama superv. nya?
ReplyDeletemet wiken ya Sher. cek lagi barang2nya yg mo dibawa ke beijing..
sher... jgn lupa ceck alamat KBRI di Beijing, ada bagusnya lapor diri. halah gue sok tau :). gimane tuh tadi dosen... pake ilmu kedip kedip nggak pas ketemu dia?? hihih kidding sher...
ReplyDelete:P at least catet aja info KBRI ada di mana ama no telp nya. For safety reason say...
ReplyDeleteTenang aja, Ser, kan ada penerjemah... *tunjuk-tunjuk Lan*
ReplyDeleteJadi ingat sama pengalaman dulu, pas ketemuan sama camer (pas belum nikah). Aku bisanya Hochdeutsch, mereka ngomongnya bahasa daerah. Wedeh...
Tapi untungnya, selain ada penerjemah pribadi, juga ada bahasa tubuh, dan bahasa cinta. Cieh...
Good luck, ya! :-D
menghitung hariiii..
ReplyDeleteayo diberesin buru, biar enak ntar liburannya..plong!
wahahaha....kebelet nih critanya...tenang Sher, hari H pasti dateng!
ReplyDeletemet wiken yach.
pake bahasa tarzan lah, sher,...:)
ReplyDeletenyang penting jangan lupa pasang senyum manis terussss
bisa kubayangin sher. pasti kamu maunya terbang ke beijing.
ReplyDeleteprocrastination emang menyenangkan kok. hehehehehe.
hehehehehh santei aja mpok, pasti keluarganya Lan baek2 dah, tataplah suamimu..apaan seh :p