Finale: BCIA Terminal 3

It's always sad to tell story about how you parted with your loved ones... I still remember clearly that day we took the airport express coach service to the airport, shortly after we had dinner at home. It was Papa's cooking.

Those last three days, I had diarrhea so badly. Mama was worried sick... maybe my body knew I was not happy to leave the home I just came into. So, for those last three days, I had to eat vegetables and rice only, no meat to ease my digestion system. Still, Papa's cooking was more than enough... I loved it and I am missing it now.

The airport express coach took around one hour to get to the airport. I wished it would take longer, that way I could spend more time with my beloved Papa and Mama. The first stop of the coach was Terminal 3, the newest terminal of BCIA (Beijing City International Airport). We were all amazed... it is a beautiful airport, huge and magnificent. *I'll have to ask Lan to send me the photos so that I can show it to you guys...* But, still, I was sad inside.

We were the second to get served at the check-in desk. Everything went smoothly. After that, Mama Papa sent us off to go to the immigration. We hugged, waved good-bye for so long that I wished it would never end. As we stepped away from them, I lost parts of my heart, I left it with my new parents. I love them, from the bottom of my heart, dearly and preciously.
One day, I'd hope to meet them and spend more time with them.

Beijing, my second home, I will be back.

Ps. A couple of our 2nd prawedding photos has arrived. The very first one is us with the traditional Chinese wedding gown. Hehehe... I love it. Click to see the big version.
More photos on: My Multiply


  1. sher, I LOVE foto yang pake chinese wedding gown.. so gorgeous! ky di film2 silat klo kt si mas.. mau juga doong.. sayang aja mataku sipitnya nanggung nih!

  2. Aku sukaaa banget foto yg pertama. Nuansa tradisi cinanya itu lho, elegant banget.

  3. wah, fotonya keren ey, hehehe... :)

    btw, iya tu di luar sana airport-nya keren2 ya kaga kaya di Indonesia, hahahaha....

  4. Foto yang serba merah bagus banget! Kocak tapi romantis. :-)

  5. Bener2 jadi raja n ratu sehari...kek di negeri dongeng nih liat poto2nya.

  6. wow.... fotonya bagus. Pasangan yg serasi. U look georgeous!!!

  7. hopefully both of u will be a happy yet harmony family ever after yaaaaah...

    *when will i have the chance to have such a picture with my loved one yah..*
    one day for sure,.... ;)

  8. OMG..
    i cant understand well
    but i think thas a beautifull holiday. so sorry if i wrong


    regards :)

  9. foto2nya keren euyyyy... :)
    duuhhh jadi pengeeen.. (apa coba?) hahaha :)

  10. Sher...cantik buanget deh cucok banget dandanannya...terutama yg pake chinese wed gown....both of the pics are so..gorgeous. Liat dong foto2 yang laeeen..

  11. sherly....long time yaah aku nggak kontak2...waaaah taunya dah merit...congrats yaaaah....

    foto2nya keren guys look perfect for each other...
    God Bless you...

  12. asik ya...
    kalau mudik ke china donk... :D

  13. Bagus2 banget foto2nya!! Sherly cantiiik sekali kayak bintang pilem hongkong :)

    Yg pake baju cina merah itu, yg Sherly senyum malu2 pake saputangan itu, cute banget deh. Aku suka!

  14. duh cantik banget deh merahnya..
    pengen deh ikutan foto-foto kayak gitu cuma ga bisa,, peyutnya lagi gendut jadi malu difoto.. hehehe..

    APakbar mbak Sherly? Gimana kabarnya disana??

  15. such a blessing to have them as ur in laws...

  16. foto2nya kerennn both looks, paporitku gaya kalian di foto chinese gown yg palink atas. muka kalian bahagia banged, especially lan's. mukanya cerah benerrrr, ngbuat yg liat jadi seneng hehe

    have a great week

  17. bagus fotonyaaa.. kerenn..
    paket di beijing lebih mahal atau kurang lebih sama kaya indo Sher?
    Tersentuh banget ya punya parents in law bae gitu.. GBU Sher..


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