Prolouge: My first trip to Beijing

Ni hao, friends!
I am not really glad to say that we are back... Because we did not really one to return here. I fell in love with Beijing and still loving it! I love Lan's family, I feel that they are my own family.

Well, for now, I will just direct you to our photos together, which are all stored in my multiply album. The stories will follow when the tiredness in me has passed.

God bless!


  1. wuah welcome back nie :)
    senengnya bisa ketemu mertua.. pasti disana disayang2 yak? :)
    cerita2nya ditunggu yak :)

  2. wah udah pulang... mana nich oleh2xna :D yah klo multiply g bisa dibuka Sher, wong situsnya diblok ama pemerintah :P

  3. Ur writing sounds much more happier than few weeks ago.
    Keep it up.. :D

  4. Gilaaaa!!!! Naek brapa kilo kamu Sher???? :D

  5. huahahaha, welcome back yah... :)

  6. wah, yg gak mau balek hehe ntar meluncur ke multiply ah


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