2 heads are better than 1!

Among my boredom, my 'fed up' feeling, and frustration lately, I had an interesting collaboration with Lan in the weekend. Well, there is this one particular program that I am supposed to code within this week, however, my frustration just ate everything and left me with the feeling of not wanting to do coding anymore!
Thank God, my hubby was so kind to help me to do it. So the two of us doing the program together and we had a lot of FUN! Correcting each other's mistakes and discussing different algorithms for the program! Just imagine, if I were to do it along it would take me at least 10 hours to finish up (plus the frustration of debugging, etc.). But, the two of us did it in total of 5 hours! Ugh... I am soooo glad to have Lan hihih... *thank you, honey!*

At the moment, we are having my brother staying with us for several weeks. He came from home (Bali) with some martabak manis (terang bulan), which Lan indulged in eating it, some Indonesian seasonings for me to cook and a brand new pair of shoes for my birthday! Yay! They are so cute...

Ah... this is just a lil chit chat from me... :)


  1. itulah gunanya suami, ihkhihihik..beruntunglah kamu sher dpt lan yg ngerti coding2an

    yaaaa jd ngebayangin martabak maniis

  2. what a nice!
    wonderful husband n martabak manis....


  3. seneng yah bisa berdua2an ngerjain tugas... jadi lebih saling ngerti satu sama lain. btw, itu martabak manis jadi juga dieksport. hehehe... apa komen lan ttg martabak manisnya?

  4. wooow,...bagi dong martabaknyaaa

  5. stuju banget tuh 2 head better than 1 hehe.... jadi laper nich ada martabak hehe...

  6. manisssnyaaaaa, martabak nya oiiii :P

  7. Hmmm, emang masih tahan ya martabak manis nya dibawa all the way dari Bali ke Inggris? Wah, keren juga tuh kalo kaya gitu, hmmm...

    Baidewei, wah bagus banget tuh kombinasinya!! hahaha... :) Kewl!!

  8. hallo Sherly...
    nice to see you again...
    How's marriage life been treating you?
    Waah bentar lagi udah mau ultah...dapet apa kira2 dari hubby nih?

  9. martabak yang enak nyammmmmm ;)

  10. Enak yah punya suami yang ngerti sama hal2 kayak gituh, bisa diajak ngobrol/tuker pikiran, kerja bareng... have fun :) *mupeng*
    btw martabak isi kelapa tuw enak lhow, sayang di Ende nggak ada yang juwal :D
    Betehe, 2 kepala emang better dari 1 lah *halah*

  11. Dulu aku juga nggak tau ada martabak isi kelapa. Taunya cuma martabak isi gula/kacang, martabak keju atau martabak susu. And then waktu aku ke Surabaya, di pinggir jalan ada gerobak yang juwal berbagai martabak. Waktu itu di jalan menuju Sidotopo, setelah pasar loak di Surabaya. And then aku nyobain, liat2 ternyata menu isinya banyak!
    Ada martabak kacang ijo.
    Martabak ketan merah -> ini nih yang ditambahi kelapa. ENAK PISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!
    Terus martabak keju dllnya yang pasaran.
    Ya gitu deh.

  12. Itu gunanya pasangan, saling mendukung, saling membantu. Apalagi kalau bidangnya sama, hihihi...

    Duh, jadi pengen martabak...!

  13. There's a name for what you did together, you know. Extreme programming - if I recall correctly. Google it, there's plenty of resources about it. It's a very good practice. Especially when you're doing it with your loved one :D. I recomend you two to make a habit out of it. Good for your health and for your codes.

    Me, it's always a personal "fight" between me and the codes :P. Actually, that's THE one reason I'm away for so long from my blog and most internet activities not related to cakePHP, JQuery, extJs, and trading (to answer your question on my blog). Those alone already too much to take ... I'm all burned out. You're so blessed, remember that :). So, GBU, and merry - oooh the holy day of obligation is so close now, I need to restrain myself to greet everyone a month too early :).

  14. iya, dua kepala memang lebih membantu. lebih cepat.

    eh emang berapa jam dari denpasar ketempatmu ? martabaknya msih ok kah ? atau nitip di kulkas pramugarai ? hehhe favoritku martabak keju pake susu kental manis. kebayang lemaknya hahahha tapi uenaaaaaaaak

  15. pokoknya kalo udah beli, jangan lupa pas makan inget sama aku ya, sist :D

  16. uuuuu.... so sweet deh sherrrr' :)
    kapan yaa aku bisa bgtuu???? *wondering...*

  17. haduh...ini lagi ngomongin martabak manis...kmr aku udah hepi beli waffle maker, walaupun ternyata hasilnya nggak seindah di boks nya.....hiks....you are so lucky, aku nggak makan martabak manis 5 thn lebih.
    sherly, kamu bisa dapetin lagu2 gamelan tari bali dari temen nggak? kali2 aja punya temen di bali yg penari......I urgently need it.....

  18. yeap.. 2 are better than 1. I agree. Especially for martabak terang bulan, i prefer double pieces than single. hehehe..

  19. wiii asikkkk....ya ngerjain prog nya ya ada adiknya ya oleh2nya....siip.dian ibung


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