Roll Stack Cake

On Sunday, Lan was so kind to buy me a silicone baking tray and a whisk (a mixer is a bit out of our pocket at this very moment!)... and so, at home, I immediately 'played' with my new toys to make a roll cake. Thinking that 15 yokes on the recipe is a bit too much for only two of us, I halved the recipe.
Voila! After a lot of whisking (that made my arms sore) and 15 minutes in the oven, my cake was done! It looked good, but a bit too thin... What to do? What to do? If I were to roll it, it would break to pieces, so, I decided to cut them to squares and stack them together and putting generous amount of 'meises' in between the layers.

Hence, it looked exactly like in the photo! Lan enjoyed it a lot and finished it not long after. I hope you enjoy the photo too! :)

Aside from my kitchen activities, I have been busy with my emotion going here and there...
  • With winter coming, my skin allergy (eczema) gets worse, resulting in lack of sleep and self-confidence issue :(
  • PhD work is eating me up as well, I am easily frustrated and upset for things that go far away from my expectation...
  • Been having swollen eyes lately... Did I stare on the PC screen too long?
  • Positively happy, the packet from Mama Papa arrived safely last week, I got a very cute panda doll from Mama, which looks so like a real panda, and we name him 'Po'! Hihihi... 多谢,妈爸!
    Along with Po, plenty of good food, seasoning, sunflower seeds (kuaci), some clothes I bought on Chinese E-bay.

So... forgive me for not updating regularly lately. My brother is arriving back from home this Friday, I am expecting some stuffs from my mum hehe...

Alrighty, back to work now. God bless you all!

Ps. As usual, please feel free to give feedback on the photo, Lan is very happy to accept any suggestions/advice on his photography skill. (Click on the photo to enlarge)


  1. Hihihihi... jadi tumpukan cake donk judulnya :D
    Awalnya aku juga rada2 takut ng'gulungnya, tapi ya cuek aja kalo patah ya resiko, pikirku, tetep kue lah walopun patah :)) Eh... ternyata 'gak patah tuh. So, tips buat laen kali kalo kuenya cukup empuk dan 'gak garing bagian luarnya/kering, cuek aja nekat ng'gulung.

    Fotonya cekep :)
    Pssst... makin berisi dong tuh lengan ngaduk kue gitu :D

  2. kerna pakar fotografi ud komentarin fotonya, aku ga ikutan komen yak, mengingat klo motret aja hasilnya selalu blurr... hehehe...
    tapi idenya boleh juga tuh di tumpuk2, mestinya klo ada creamnya ud bisa jadi mini tart yah...
    btw, nge gulungnya harusnya pas panas2 ato mesti tunggu dingin dulu yah? *keik yang ud mo buruan bikin aja* hehehe...

  3. gpplah.. yang penting masih bisa kemakan.. hehehehee... tapi emang gampang2 susah bikin roll cake.. vi3 ga pernah bisa nggulung dengan sukses.. :D

  4. Wua ha ha ..
    biarin deh ga jadi Bolu Gulung jadi yg laen ndak opo2 toh .. looking marvelous too !
    Bener kata Since kalo kuenya cukup empuk n atas ga garing nekat aja di Roll , gulung nya PD aja tekuk dikit dulu spy yg paling dalam membentuk gulungan kecil padat baru lanjut gulung ... rolllingg terus sambil diteken2 padat , spy ga Prolll .
    sok tau yah gw , pdhl malas bikin kue

  5. ehmmm..... those cake looks delicious.........
    sherrr' thx for your support yaa, sebenernya dia ituh kaka sepupu aku yg seumuran sm aku, tp aku mmg manggil dia dgn sebitan untie, just like my nephew called her...

  6. kirain tadi roti tawar pakek mesis sher, eh ternyata roll cake xixixix...

  7. Kapan dikirim kue benerannya.. jangan cuman fotonya doang.. Met berkarya ya..

    Omong2, itu foto pake software apa, cakep lho layoutnya.

    Salam dari singapore.

  8. yo...jadi pengen roll cake meisesnya...hehehe...keknya enak tuh...kreatif....btw, try this

  9. *jadi pengen ngemil...*
    Mata bengkak mungkin karena kurang tidur? Udah coba dikompres, Sher?

    Soal foto, eh...susah buat komen, soalnya fokusnya langsung ke kue, terus ngiler..., terus otak nggak mau kerjasama. :-D

  10. kliatannya gak sedep deh kuenya(gak ngincipin sih :P )
    pic nya always cakep, yakin deh pasti kameranya yg bagus hahahahah pizzz deh.

  11. Nyamnyam...uenak nan. Rasanya mirip roti bakar bikinan ibu. Salam kenal ajah, yah.

  12. duh sis.. sepertinya kecapean deh sampe tuh mata swollen gitu.. take time sebelum bobo coba kompres pake kapas yang di rendem di air es.. pasti lebih nyaman.. :D

  13. Hmmm looks yummy, sis! Bagiii! Foto2nya juga bagus, udah ok lah klo mau buat buku resep huehehe. Salam buat si Po :P

  14. si mbok ni tinggal di mana toh ? :mgreen:
    salam kenal sista ;)

  15. yang penting masuk perut ajalah hehehe...

  16. kirain tadi itu roti bakar :)
    keliatannya yummy..mmm...

  17. wah keliatannya enak d... fotonya bikin laper heheh.....

  18. jadi laper liat fotonyaaa.....

  19. roll cake? ah... gampang ituh... gampang kalo dibikin sama ahlinya sementara ituh kalo sayah... NGGAK BAKAL BISA secara tanganku inih ada virusnyah hiwakakaka... :D ngiler ngeliatnyah *ah twuttweh* :D

  20. kayaknya uenak tuh...jadi pengen bikin juga.

    eh, sher..kayaknya lagi ultah ya ? happy birthday ya...sorry kalo salah hehehe all the best !

  21. waduh uda kayak algoritma pemrograman aja, stack ahahaha...

  22. jadinya beli dari UK, tapi pake acara berantem neh. lagi panas neh hihihi...ngirim email 3x gak dibalas dia, trus akhirnya aku email : i will cancel my paypal if u r unwilling to reply my email.

    eeee dia barusan balas unhappy dg aggressive email dari aku. ggrrrr *tarik nafas* british sensitip kali ye. di amrik mah itu email normal hehehehhe

  23. boleh juga idenya..
    ditumpuk n ditabur meises tengahnya..
    jadi keren tuh...hehehehehehe

    lam kenal ya..

  24. adel juga punya eczema...dulu diobatin tapi lama2 kulitnya berubah warna. akhirnya skr cuma diolesin ointment aja....
    the pic looks so yummy....I love meisjes

  25. The picture looks good, the cakes look delicious that i wanna eat them :)

  26. The picture looks good, the cakes look delicious that i wanna eat them :)

  27. photonya si ian bagus say , designnya juga okey ...
    bravo deh buat kalian ber2 :)


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